Why does a rat itch: it combs to blood and sores, what should I do?

Decorative rats can suffer from scabies even with proper care – the reasons for this are very different, from eating disorders to allergies. Scratching on the skin can also be a sign of a number of diseases. What to do if the rat itches to the blood? First you need to examine the animal for other signs, observe the behavior. There are several common causes of scabies that can be quickly identified by additional symptoms.
Most often, such a reaction manifests itself when buying an animal, but an adult ornamental rat can also survive stress when the usual conditions change. In this case, itching on the skin is caused by nervous tension. Usually, the rat not only itches, but also shows signs of anxiety and panic – it runs around the cage, or vice versa, hides in the house, loses its appetite. The best solution is to identify the cause and remove the irritant, and let the rat rest, start adding vitamins and the Antistress drug to the usual diet.
IMPORTANT: If you have just brought home a new animal, it needs to be kept quiet for at least three days. Put a house in the cage where the animal can hide, and do not try to pick it up. Most rats begin to come out of hiding and actively explore the cage as early as the second day. But if you come across a shy little rat, you may need a much longer period.
Cage conditions and hygiene
If there are no obvious reasons for stress, and the rat often itches, you should check the conditions of its content. Perhaps the bedding does not absorb moisture well, so more frequent cleaning or replacement of the filler is required. Also, the reason may be the uncleanliness of the animal itself – not all rats are equally good at monitoring their fur. If the animal is not litter trained, the coat can become soaked with urine, causing irritation and intense itching on the skin. Change the filler, keep the cage clean, and regularly give the animal warm baths with special shampoo, which can be purchased at the pet store. Many ornamental rats are especially fond of bathing and always enjoy water treatments.
Mechanical damage to the skin
If a domestic rat is kept in the company of relatives, it can get wounds and scratches in a fight or even when playing. Damaged areas of the skin itch strongly during healing, and an infection can also get into the wounds. If you notice that one of the rats is itching to the point of bleeding, while the others do not show any symptoms, the first thing to do is put the animal in a separate cage. Then carefully inspect the animal, wash the scratched areas with hydrogen peroxide 3%, lubricate with an antibiotic ointment (tetracycline or levomekol). If the wounds are deep or inflamed, it is better to consult a veterinarian.
Allergic reaction
Allergies are one of the most common causes of itchy skin. If you notice that the rat has scratched its neck and sides, this reaction can occur for several reasons:
- malnutrition – a violation of the diet, an excess of protein foods;
- harmful foods – rats are omnivorous, and domestic animals are often treated to forbidden goodies from the human table (sweet, salty, fatty);
- chemical components of the filler;
- bedding of untreated fresh sawdust with an excess of resins and oils;
- printing ink on newspapers used for bedding;
- detergent compositions, powders for cleaning the cage.
An allergic reaction often manifests itself in the form of severe persistent itching, so the rat scratches itself until it bleeds. It is necessary to check all possible causes of symptoms, try to identify and eliminate the allergen. Transfer the animal to a strict diet, change the filler, clean without household chemicals.
The lack of various vitamins can manifest itself in different ways – lethargy, sneezing, skin itching, hair loss, the appearance of sores and sores on the skin. The cause of the disease is an improperly balanced diet, lack of grain, greens, fruits and vegetables. A severe lack of vitamins can lead to a decrease in immunity, metabolic disorders, and the development of serious diseases. For a correct diagnosis, it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe a cycle of injections and make the right diet for a sick animal.
If no serious symptoms are observed, the animal is active, does not lose its appetite, then you can buy a regular vitamin complex at a veterinary pharmacy. Typically, such supplements are prepared in the form of granules, which are convenient to add directly to the feed.
Parasite infestation
Many types of skin parasites also cause itching, forcing rats to scratch themselves until they bleed. Traces of life fleas and the insects themselves can be easily seen on the skin when examining the animal.

But also often domestic rats become infected subcutaneous tickwhich cannot be seen without special instruments. If, in addition to scabies, you notice bald spots on the coat, the animal is probably infected withers. Wash the rat with a special anti-parasitic shampoo, it is also advisable to apply drops on the withers.

IMPORTANT!!! Many owners buy flea drops intended for cats or kittens to treat domestic rodents. Do not forget that rats require significantly lower dosages – to avoid poisoning, be sure to weigh the animal, then calculate the amount of the drug by weight. It is best to use products designed specifically for rats.
Often, scratching in a rat is a symptom of a serious illness. Violation of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, kidney damage, infections, viruses – can sometimes be manifested, including skin itching. Usually in this case, additional symptoms are observed – reddish discharge from the nose and eyes (porphyrin), restless behavior or lethargy, stool disorders.
Different fungal diseases skin also causes severe itching. If you notice that a rat has scratched its eye, the reason may be conjunctivitis. Sometimes a rat may itch due to helminth infections. Preparations for helminthiases are toxic, so it is not recommended to treat the animal without a preliminary analysis. If infection is confirmed, it is necessary to calculate the dosage by weight with great accuracy.
If you want to know why a rat is constantly scratching, it is better to contact a veterinarian for a professional examination and testing. Then you will be sure that you will not miss a serious illness, and the doctor will prescribe the right treatment, taking into account the condition and age of the animal.
The rat constantly itches, what to do?
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