Why does a dog lie on its back?

Why does a dog lie on its back?

Sometimes the dog falls on its back when communicating with the owner. Why does a dog lie on its back? What does this pose say?

Why does a dog lie on its back?

As always when interpreting a dog’s body language, it is necessary to take into account not only one isolated signal, but also the context of the situation, as well as the posture and facial expressions of the dog as a whole. As a rule, the dog demonstrates the “lying on its back” pose in 3 situations:

  1. During sleep or rest. If the dog sleeps on his back, then he feels comfortable and safe.
  2. The dog falls on its back when it wants attention and affection. In this case, the pet’s posture is generally relaxed, the look is soft, the ears are relaxed, the tail is not tucked in.
  3. The dog shows submission and tries to block aggression from the person. In this case, the dog’s body is tense, the mouth is closed, the lips are stretched (although some owners think that the dog is “smiling”, this is not so), the tail is tucked in or shyly wagging, the dog looks away, the whites of the eyes may be visible. Some dogs also pee at this point. This means that you are pushing the dog too hard, he is frankly afraid of you, and you should reconsider the style of your relationship with your pet.

If you want to better understand your dog and learn how to educate and train it in a humane way, we invite you to take advantage of our video courses.

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