Why does a cat rub against its legs?
Cat Behavior

Why does a cat rub against its legs?

Felinologists claim that there are special physiological reasons for this, and even scientifically substantiate them.

To explain very briefly, the cat rubs against the legs of a person in order to “stake out” him as his sole feline property, inviolable for competitors.

You get swept away

Scientists call this case olfactory marking. The importance of smells in the animal world is enormous. Don’t be alarmed by the especially smelly antics of unneutered cats. Domestic cats are not capable of such crime. We are talking about substances (so-called secrets) secreted by glands on the cat’s muzzle and paws. Some pets can not only rub against the owner, but also lick it. This is also explained by the desire to mark their property. By the way, if you put someone else’s kitten or other newborn animal on a nursing cat and she will accept it, she will definitely start licking: “This is mine now!”.

Accounting and control

As a rule, your cat begins to rub against the legs, meeting the owner at the apartment door. This means that you have been away for some time, perhaps when you left, changed into other clothes, changed shoes, the smell is not the same, the mess, you should immediately update.

By the way, a cat sometimes rubs not only on a person, but also on inanimate objects. Wall corners, furniture legs, carrying, a laptop, a TV, a pillow – everything will come in handy in her household. The talk of the town – the revenge of cats, expressed in the damage to the master’s shoes – also has its deep roots precisely in the desire to show whose slippers we have here.

Aliens and own

Well, we have dealt with pets and agree to be their movable property. After all, cats are owned by those who want to love them. But it often happens that on the street a completely unfamiliar yard cat will come up to you and start his own simple rubbing ritual.

The reason is the same: the animal is trying to expand its spheres of influence. And, in principle, you can be proud that you were chosen. A cat will not even come close to a bad person – usually they perfectly “read” the energy. But here you should be more careful – a street cat can actually mark you really smelly. This is not from evil, as you understand. This is genetically incorporated in him, and, unfortunately, a homeless animal is not burdened with upbringing.

And what to do if a street cat fawns on you, you say? At a minimum, do not offend, in no case kick. If possible, feed and caress. Better yet, take the cat in your arms and bring it to the nearest veterinary clinic. There, doctors examine the animal, take tests, give advice on further care and vaccinations, and trim the claws. Well, then you can go home together. Just do not forget to bathe, if the doctors have not forbidden.

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