Why do cats trample and crush with their paws
If a cat has ever jumped on your lap to take a nap, you probably know that she will “knead” you with her paws until she finds the perfect place. But why do they do it?
Cats occasionally exhibit behavior that seems odd, which pet owners discover very soon. Cat stomping is one of the most common and perhaps the most misunderstood of the distinctive behavioral features of these creatures. No one can say for sure why cats trample on their owners, but there are several compelling theories.
First of all, what is cat trampling?
A cat kneads a blanket or a person with its paws, and this is very similar to how a baker kneads the dough, making pushing movements with his hands, alternating left and right. Very often, a cat that is trampling is said to “knead the dough” or “make bread/cookies”. But not all of them trample, and some do it very rarely. The cat may even nibble on the sheet or blanket during this process. Each cat is unique in its habits.
Are you my mommy?
One of the most common beliefs is that domesticated cats retain their kitten instincts. Kittens knead their mother’s belly to stimulate milk production for feeding, and as PetMD explains, “While kneading a soft surface will not produce milk, adult cats will forever associate this action with the feeling of comfort from feeding.” Therefore, the fact that a pet tramples on a person with its front paws may be her way of showing you her love and affection. Although she is an adult, your fluffy beauty will forever remain your child.
Can there be too much trampling?
In addition to being a way to show affection, cats may knead the surface to calm down, because this process gives them a sense of comfort. But doesn’t this happen too often? For example, if she’s left alone for a long time, she’ll stomp more when you’re at home, Chewy says, so “try to spend more time alone with her. Play with your cat, brush it, or just hold it in your arms and talk to it in a gentle voice every day.” This will help her relieve stress.
If the cat begins to stomp too obsessively, this may be a sign that something is not right with her, in which case you should contact your veterinarian.
Do cats only trample people?
Cats sometimes stomp on soft surfaces such as blankets or their favorite place to sleep to find a comfortable position. This is another wild instinct that domesticated cats have retained, giving them the important skill of creating a cozy, safe space where they can rest or breed away from the eyes of dangerous predators. In addition, animals mark their territory in this way, so your cat may be trampling around, hinting that this is actually her bed, and not yours.
Is it possible to train a cat not to stomp?
When your cat tramples on your lap while you’re sitting on the couch, it’s an amazing moment of intimacy between you, but even if she does it gently, it can hurt if her nails aren’t trimmed. Or, for example, her claws can put puffs on your clothes, blankets or a sofa, and you want to protect your property from damage and so that your pet does not get stuck anywhere.
But do not try to completely wean her from trampling. This is not bad behavior – it is her natural instinct that needs to be given an outlet. However, there are ways to protect your belongings and still give your cat the opportunity to trample heartily.
Nail clipping is an important part of regular cat grooming and will reduce snags and scratches. If you don’t want her to stomp in public, you can teach her to “knead” the designated blankets or towels by gently moving her to these things when she starts stomping, thereby redirecting her to a special place. It may take some time, but in time she will learn.
Why do cats trample? They love their owners, and if you are the chosen one, then you are the main recipient of manifestations of her love.