4 Amazing Rare Cat Breeds

4 Amazing Rare Cat Breeds

From wild cats roaming the woods to domesticated cats chasing toy mice around their homes, unusual cat breeds are known for their interesting colors and unique features.

American wirehair cat

The American Wirehair cat has been one of the most unusual domestic cat breeds in the world since the day a rare “unplanned mutation in a litter of [domestic] farm cats produced the first wirehaired kitten in 1966,” according to the American Cat Fanciers Association. This large, muscular and robust breed, weighing about 5-6 kg, originating from upstate New York, is purely American, since no such mutations have been reported in any country in the world except the United States. Overweight in these animals can be a problem, so you need to make sure that they follow the diet. This breed is very quiet and likes to spend time alone, so you will have to keep a lot of toys in the house. But if the American Wirehair wants to play, she will not hesitate to demand attention from her owners. These cats make faithful companions, especially for people who lead a quiet lifestyle.


The Sphynx is an unusually beautiful cat breed that is one of the most popular and rare. “Sphynx fans consider them extremely rare and unique,” ​​explains the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA), “which is why most breeders have to create waiting lists for their kittens.” Not all sphinxes, which were first bred in Canada in 1966, are completely hairless. The coat can vary from no hair at all to soft peach-colored down. However, most cats have tufts of hair on their ears, nose, tail, and even toes. They have elastic, smooth skin that comes in a variety of colors and patterns. The owners of sphinxes get in their face a cheerful and affectionate fluffy friend who will be happy to play or bask, curled up on his knees. This breed requires a lot of protein and other nutrients to maintain their level of physical activity, so you will need to stock up on healthy cat food in advance.


Cymrick is a long-haired representative of one of the most unusual double-coated Manx cat breeds. It was named after the Isle of Man, located in the northern part of the Irish Sea between Ireland and England. This is an ancient breed of cats that have long been valued as ship animals and are distinguished by their tailless, rounded back. According to legend, when the biblical character Noah was closing his ark, the Manx cat’s tail was pressed against the door and he fell off.

In fact, the absence of a tail is due to a dominant genetic mutation. However, not all Cymrics are tailless: some are born with small stumps, like the Japanese Bobtail, and rare representatives even with long tails. Linguists believe that the Cymric existed as early as the 1930th century because the Manx language has a word for a tailless cat. This tough working breed only made it to the US in the XNUMXs.

Cymriks are smart, calm cats that become very attached to their owners. Their puppyish enthusiasm and unique habits, like burying toys and opening doorknobs with their paws, will keep owners on their toes.

Egyptian mau

Another breed that belongs to the most amazing breeds of cats. Egyptian Mau images are found in ancient artefacts containing “archaeological and genetic evidence that these cats first descended from the fertile crescent,” the International Cat Association notes. The regal and athletic Egyptian Mau retained some of its ancient features, including a panther-like gait and “folds of skin hanging down the sides of the abdomen in front of the hind legs, which give the Mau amazing freedom and agility when turning and jumping,” CFA explains and notes that this is one of the rare cat breeds with natural spots. 

The graceful Mau, worshiped by kings, pharaohs and other members of the royal nobility, can at times appear shy or reserved. But she loves her owners and is infinitely devoted to them. She will certainly demonstrate a unique ability to climb to heights, climbing a wall or the back of a chair and sitting at the very top.

Whether the owners are looking to adopt an unusual breed pet or are already the proud owners of an affectionate fluffy ball, it’s always interesting to learn about the world’s most unusual cat breeds.

See also:

The XNUMX Friendliest Cat Breeds How to Choose the Cat Breed That’s Right for You Cat Personality: Which One Suits Your Lifestyle How to Be the Best Owner for Your Cat


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