Why do cats rub against their legs?

Why do cats rub against their legs?

Why do you think the cat rubs against the owner’s legs? Fawning? Asking for hands? Does it mean it’s time for lunch? Or maybe there is no reason and this is a feature of the behavior of a particular cat? About this in our article.

Cats are still individuals. No two are the same. However, they share many habits, such as the habit of rubbing against the legs of their beloved owner.

So you enter the house after work, and the cat begins its ritual: it comes to your ankles, arches its back, purrs, fawns over you and wraps its tail around your legs, and so on in a circle. Of course, she is glad to see you and, perhaps, she really wants to be in your arms, but the main message of such behavior is different.

The cat rubs against the legs of a person to mark him!

It sounds strange, but in fact this is the most vivid manifestation of love. Touching you with its muzzle, paws and tail, the cat leaves its smell on you: in these areas the cat has sebaceous glands that secrete the most odorous secret. Yes, we do not feel this smell, but for cats it is like a red signal lamp: “This is my master, he is from my pack, and you stay away and do not dare to offend him!”.

Why do cats rub against their legs?

Particularly loving pets will not stop at this and are also trying to lick the owner. Some can gently lick the cheek, while others diligently “kiss” the arms, legs, and armpits of the owner. In general, cats have their own history with smells.

Pay attention to the behavior of the cat within the apartment. She does the same with household items that she likes and considers her own: a bed, a scratching post, an armchair and your favorite skirt. Do you notice how she fawns and crushes them with her paws?

As soon as the cat feels that her mark is “erased”, she updates it. Therefore, be sure that you and your apartment are almost around the clock under the brand name of your cat.

Some cats rub against their owners’ legs more often than others. When it’s time to update the tag, the cat decides by its “internal” clock. However, if the pet never fawns over your legs, it most likely means that he does not trust you enough. There is work to be done, right?

Why do cats rub against their legs?

Friends, tell me, do your cats care about you?

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