Why do cats bring prey home?
It’s all about instinct
Cats have been domesticated for about 10 thousand years, but no matter how much time passes, they will still remain hunters. This instinct is inherent in them at the genetic level.
Although many cats do not eat their prey, and sometimes do not even kill it, they need to hone their hunting skills.
Family is the most important
A common myth is that cats are loners who prefer to exist on their own. Homeless cats, like their wild relatives, such as lions, live in tribes in which a strict hierarchy reigns. Domestic cats do not know that they are domestic. For them, everything that surrounds them seems to be a world of wild nature, in which the family is their tribe, and the habit of bringing home prey is an instinctive concern for one’s family.
Interestingly, most often it is cats that bring prey, and not cats. The maternal instinct wakes up in them, the desire to take care of the owner. From her point of view, he will not be able to feed himself.
How to behave in such a situation
Never scold your cat if she brings such a gift into the house. On the contrary, praise her, because this is a manifestation of care. And never throw away a gift in front of your pet, it can offend him. Pet the cat, and then discreetly bury its prey in the street. It is worth remembering that small rodents and birds are carriers of various diseases. Therefore, do not forget to disinfect the house and monitor the well-being of your pet.
14 2017 June
Updated: 19 May 2022