Why did the shell of the red-eared turtle turn dark or green?

Red-eared turtles are very bright and stylish pets. Many owners acquire unusual exotic animals at a young age precisely for their cheerful color. A bright light green or green shell, combined with red stripes on the neck and yellow-orange spots on the skin and back, is tender in most people. If a red-eared turtle has a darkened shell or black spots appear on its back, do not panic and look for symptoms of diseases in an aquatic pet. Most often, such a change in the color of the shell is associated with the growing up of a small reptile and its adaptation to environmental conditions.
What do red-eared turtles look like?
Already from the name of these charming pets it becomes clear what specific features are inherent in this type of turtles. Behind the eyes, small aquatic reptiles have a bright red stripe on the neck, distinguishing this species from other turtles. In some subspecies, the neck spot may be orange, which does not spoil the appearance of the overseas animal.
The shell of very young turtles is almost smooth, of a pleasant green color, the shades of which can vary from light green to bright light green shades. The belly of the animal is yellow with spots of brown, green or black depending on the subspecies. The head, neck and legs of the reptile are covered with skin with a bizarre pattern of dark green and yellow stripes.
What color changes in the shell can be in red-eared turtles
Over time, the shell turns green, the back of a beautiful pet turns yellow, acquires a dark brown hue. Some older turtles are covered with dark, almost black spots. Do not be upset that the bright cheerful color of the overseas animal has become boring or even gloomy, such color changes are the physiological norm for grown up or already elderly turtles.
If the green spots on the shell of a red-eared turtle have a rough surface, it may be a growth of algae that forms with excess light. In such a situation, it is necessary to clean off the plaque mechanically, install a filter in the aquarium and reduce the power of the fluorescent lamp.
If white spots, dots or plaque appear on the shell of the turtle, softening or deformation of the shields is observed, it is recommended to contact a herpetologist. A similar clinical picture is typical for mycoses requiring urgent treatment.
Bright green little turtles with funny faces and red stripes on their necks are a quick little source of positive emotions for all family members. Even when the color of the shell changes to calmer tones, exotic pets continue to delight and touch their owners for many years.
Black, green and yellow spots on the shell of a red-eared turtle
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