Why are parasites dangerous for dogs and cats?

Why are parasites dangerous for dogs and cats?

Responsible cat and dog owners know that a pet needs to be treated regularly for external and internal parasites. But what exactly are parasites dangerous for? What can happen to a cat if it is bitten by a tick? And why are fleas dangerous to dogs? We will talk about the specific risks for your pet in our article.

Posters in veterinary clinics assure that parasites are dangerous and the pet should be regularly treated for them. But the owners may perceive these calls as general phrases and do not delve into the essence. They do not realize the danger of infection with parasites specifically for their pet.

Let’s see why fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and helminths are dangerous for dogs and cats. What can happen to a pet from close acquaintance with them? Which diseases are dangerous for cats and which for dogs?

Why are parasites dangerous for dogs and cats?

What are dangerous for cats?

A tick that has bitten a cat may be a carrier of viral encephalitis, piroplasmosis (babesiosis), hemobartonellosis, teilariasis. All these diseases are extremely dangerous for cats. Without quality timely treatment, the cat may die.

What are dangerous for dogs?

For dogs, a tick bite can result in diseases such as babesiosis, bartonellosis, borreliosis, ehrlichiosis, hepatozoonosis.

There are ticks that carry plague, tularemia, brucellosis, Q fever, listeriosis and other diseases.

The symptoms of these diseases are very rapid, and without surgical treatment, the dog may die.

What are dangerous for cats?

Fleas can lead to the following problems:

  • Tapeworms

  • Hemobartonellosis is an infectious anemia of cats that inhibits red blood cells in the blood.

  • Plague wand

  • Flea typhus

  • Tularemia.

What are dangerous for dogs?

For a dog, a flea infestation is a risk for the following diseases:

  • Tapeworms

  • Plague of carnivores

  • Brucellosis

  • Leptospirosis.

General for dogs and cats

Flea dermatitis is a severe skin disease that fleas can cause in dogs and cats. In advanced cases, animals can almost completely lose their hair, and their inflamed skin becomes a gateway for infection.

What are dangerous for cats?

  • Allergic reactions to bites

  • Dirofilariasis

  • Hookworm.

What are dangerous for dogs? 

  • Dirofilariasis

  • Allergic reactions to bites.

The danger for dogs and cats is the same. These parasites lead to the failure of the organ in which they are localized. They slowly deplete and poison the body with the products of their vital activity. In advanced cases, without treatment, animals (especially those with low weight: kittens, puppies) may die.

We got acquainted with specific diseases that can develop in dogs and cats from exposure to parasites. And now let’s remember how often a pet needs to be treated to protect it from this.

Why are parasites dangerous for dogs and cats?

  • From helminths: once a quarter or more often, depending on a number of factors. For example, if there are small children and other animals in the house, if the pet walks or eats raw food, it is recommended to treat it once a month.

  • From ticks: start treatment as soon as the daily temperature is above +5 C.

  • From fleas and mosquitoes: depends on the chosen means of protection. You need to study the instructions and monitor the period of validity of the protection. As soon as the time expires, repeat the processing. Usually the protection period is from a month to six months.

This short memo can be printed and hung on the refrigerator or saved to your phone. She can save a life – and these are not just big words!

Be vigilant and don’t let your dogs and cats get sick.

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