Why a cat tramples you with its front paws: reasons for the version of trampling and useful tips from veterinarians

Why a cat tramples you with its front paws: reasons for the version of trampling and useful tips from veterinarians

The cat was and remains the most beloved pet of man. Even in ancient times, people believed that cats have a connection with the other world and can feel both positive and negative energy. The cat is still considered the keeper of comfort and peace in the owners’ house, their protector from all sorts of failures.

Every person who has a cat at home knows that this is a sweet and good-natured animal, ready to answer him for care with affection. Although he is independent and independent, he shows signs of attention to his master in different ways.

Why does a cat stomp on you?

Many people notice that their pet, having jumped on her knees, crushes them with her front paws. At this time, the cat purrs, getting great pleasure from it. Sometimes she gets carried away with this procedure to such an extent that she can lose control and release her claws more than necessary, causing pain to a person.

There is several versions of the reasons Why do cats trample on their front paws?

  • Bed arrangement.
  • Relaxation.
  • Owner cat.
  • Felinotherapy.
  • Expression of feelings.

Bed arrangement

Cats, when they were still wild and lived in the forests, did not have soft bedding, but slept right on the ground. Therefore, in order to make it more convenient for them to rest, they raked dry leaves into a pile and kneaded them with their paws for a long time, thus making themselves a mattress. Since then, they have remained a reflex: before you lie down comfortably – to trample.

But nowadays, no cat rakes leaves to sleep, but simply seeks cozy comfortable place. Another variant of this theory is that cats have touch receptors on their paw pads. They check with them whether it is necessary or not to lie down on this place.

When a cat tramples, endorphins are released at this time. This procedure helps relieve her stress. Also, these methodical movements calm her down.

cat owner

A cat has glands between its toes that secrete a specific substance. With the help of this smelling substance, cats leave marks, although a person does not feel it. This is one of the reasons why cats stomp. They want to leave their scent on their host, a blanket or favorite soft toy. By this action they claim their rights.

It has been noticed that, as a rule, mainly dependent, affectionate and insecure animals trample. This partially confirms the version: cats, leaving their odorous marks, feel much calmer and are less stressed.


For a long time, cats have been credited with various mystical abilities, including the healing of humans. Recently, scientific studies show that the effectiveness of feline therapy takes place.

Many owners of four-legged friends notice the strange ability of their pet to stomp with their front paws exactly on the place of the body where they subsequently discovered a health problem.

There is even scientific evidence to support cats finding cancer and feeling pre-heart attack. If the cat is trampling on your stomach, maybe you should see a doctor? Suddenly, it’s not about your pet, but about the deterioration of well-being.

As for the treatment of these pets, the cardiologist A. I. Lavrushin claims that the cat, trampling on the chest of the owner suffering from chronic heart disease, is trying to improve blood circulation. Doctors, listening to the stories of many patients, how animals massage their problem areas, trampling on this place, they cannot put forward another version.

And why does a cat trample on a fellow tribesman who was hit by a car or on the owner, who is dying of a heart attack? There are not only eyewitness accounts, but also videos and photos that confirm the facts when four-legged pets come to the aid of the sick and injured hosts and fellow tribesmen.

Expression of feelings

From birth, the behavior of a kitten is controlled by instincts. He receives food with great pleasure, although this procedure makes him work. The kitten has a well-developed sucking reflex, which allows it to receive healthy mother’s milk.

For faster saturation and overcoming the resistance of the mother’s flesh, the kitten begins massage instinctively the cat has a belly. He spreads his paws wide and alternately presses them. These actions help to get milk quickly, giving the baby great pleasure.

Growing up, the instinct is fixed in cats – to crush with their paws, getting pleasure from it. Therefore, the cat, being on your lap, feels joy and instinctively begins to stomp with its front paws, although, of course, milk does not wait. By these actions, she expresses her trust, seeing in you her mother, with whom she was safe and calm.

This version really confirms that cats in childhood, when feeding, touch with their front paws. But there are objections to it:

  1. Why does a cat, before going to bed, trample on a sofa, armchair, carpet, soft toy, etc., although there is no owner there.
  2. The habit of trampling is even found in animals that were taken away from their mother immediately after their birth. They were fed artificially with a pipette or syringe, and therefore there is no need to touch with paws.

What to do if you don’t like cat trampling

When trampling, cats release their sharp claws. And no matter what reason a cat stomps on you with its paws, it can be unpleasant. In addition, the cat can make puffs on a blanket, upholstered furniture or bed linen.

Veterinarians say that when releasing claws by cats, you can’t scold them, as they still won’t understand why you are angry with them. It’s better to be simple cut their claws, but you need to do this in the clinic, since you can touch that part of the claws where the capillaries are located. But this method is not suitable for those cats that go outside. For example, when attacked by a dog, they will not be able to escape from it by climbing a tree.

In fact, cats can understand everything and will work with them in the same way as with children. If a child bites in infancy, then sometimes the mother copes with this peculiar method: she bites him in response.

Applying the same technique to a cat can give results. Taking her paw and pressing on the pad for protruding nails, you need to run them over the cat itself so that she feels how unpleasant it is. After doing this a few times, your cat will learn that when trampling claws cannot be released.

Which statement is more reliable – why is the cat trampling? It likely depends on the situation, but a cat massage is only possible if the furry pet trusts you. No need to scold and drive the cat off your knees, but just cover them with a thick blanket so that your four-legged friend can enjoy the massage.

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