Where is the horse looking?

Where is the horse looking?

 The eyes of the horse are located on the sides of the head, and the field of view is extremely wide. Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult to understand exactly where the horse is looking. Where is the horse looking? Sometimes you can understand where the horse is looking by focusing on the whites at the edge of the eye. However, this does not always help. Another way to understand where a horse’s attention is directed is to look closely at the position of his ears. The horse looks where its ears are pointing. And if the ears are directed in different directions – does this mean that the horse, like a chameleon, looks in different directions? No – it is still believed that the movements of the horse’s eyes are coordinated, and both eyes look in the same direction.Where is the horse looking? Sometimes a horse that works in the hands or under the saddle points its ears back. This does not necessarily mean that she is unhappy. It is highly likely that in this way it is focused on the signals of human hands – that is, as if “looking back.” How can you distinguish between the moments when the horse looks back and when it is unhappy, if in both cases it turns back its ears? Here the horse’s lips come to the rescue. If the ears are turned back and the lips are tense, this is a signal of discontent. If the ears “look” back, but the lips are relaxed, this is an indicator that the horse’s attention is directed back.Where is the horse looking?

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