When to accustom a puppy to a diaper: different ways, possible problems and advice from experienced dog breeders

When to accustom a puppy to a diaper: different ways, possible problems and advice from experienced dog breeders

When a charming Chihuahua puppy appears in the house, its owners immediately have a question – how to accustom a puppy to a tray or a diaper. It is recommended to think about this in advance. Dogs of small breeds have one big advantage over large dogs: they do not need to be walked without fail. You can do this at will, accustoming your pet to relieve its natural needs in a diaper.

Diapers for dogs: types and uses

Not so long ago, absorbent diapers used as a toilet for puppies and small dogs appeared on sale in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. With their help, you can easily teach your pet to cope with natural needs in the place allotted to him for this.

There are two types of diapers:

  • disposable diapers are thrown away immediately after the puppy went to the toilet on them;
  • reusable should be rinsed in warm water, dry and reuse. It is not recommended to wash them in an automatic washing machine.

In addition, diapers can be of different sizes: 60×90 and 60×60. You can choose and purchase the option that suits your dog.

Using a diaper is the most convenient way to toilet train puppies, which is why many dog ​​breeders use it. When taking a Chihuahua into your home, you need to ask what kind of toilet the dog is accustomed to. If the pet ignores the diaper placed in the tray, you should not be upset. Maybe the puppy is just confused and you just need to watch and guide him correctly. If the puppy is not accustomed to the toilet at all, then you will have to do this yourself.

How to accustom a dog to a diaper: methods and tips

In the first days of the appearance of a pet in the house you can’t punish him because he emptied himself in the wrong place. After screams and punishments, he may become even more afraid to approach the place allotted for his toilet and it will be much more difficult to teach him.

Training should begin at two months of age. For the first time, it is recommended to remove all rags and carpets from the floor so that the pet does not have the opportunity to defecate on the carpet. After all, at first he will not care where to do his business, and the carpet is soft and absorbs everything. If the puppy gets used to it, then it will be quite difficult to wean it.

Until the Chihuahua learns to go to the toilet in a strictly defined place, it best place in the kitchen or in the hallway. On linoleum or laminate, puddles will be visible, and only a diaper should be laid out of the soft one.

In order for the pet to remember where he needs to go and not be confused, the diaper must be laid in the same place.

Immediately after the puppy is brought into the apartment for the first time, it is recommended to put him on a pre-prepared diaper. Surely a new pet during the journey, which was stressful for him, wanted to empty himself, and in calm conditions he will do it quite quickly.

Limited space way

It is used for very young puppies.

  1. A special place is fenced off for the pet, where he will live for the first time. The territory of the dog should not be more than two meters. There you will need to put a box with bedding and cover the floor with diapers.
  2. After the puppy wakes up and gets out of his box, he will have to empty himself on a diaper. So he will connect her with the toilet.
  3. After a few days, the diapers can be gradually removed one at a time, and the puppy can be let out for a walk around the house.
  4. At first, you will need to watch your pet and, as soon as he is about to write, carry him to the diaper.
  5. Gradually, the diaper will be left alone and it will be possible to put it in a special tray designed for dogs.
  6. Puppies tend to do their business after eating. Therefore, after he eats, you need to wait until he goes to the toilet, be sure to praise him for the right actions and let them go for a walk around the house.

Expressing your approval, stroking and playing with the Chihuahua for the first time will be necessary every time after the pet does everything right. The main thing is that the puppy understands the relationship.

Help of modern means

To accustom a Chihuahua to a diaper, special sprays sold in pet stores can help. With their help Can you train a dog to wear a diaper? and scare her away from the places where she started to go to the toilet.

Some types of sprays attract and stimulate with their smell to do things in the place designated for this.

Others, with their pungent smell, can scare away the puppy and therefore they should be sprayed with wires, places on the carpet, chair legs, corners with wallpaper. That is, those places where dogs like to pee.

If the pet still went to the carpet, then the smell should be removed with detergents, not containing chlorine. In a house where there is a puppy, an indispensable thing is a wringer mop.

Possible problems

In the process of training a dog to the toilet, its owner must not lose a trusting relationship with his pet and have patience and strong nerves.

If all methods of accustoming have been used, and the puppy does not go to the toilet on a diaper, then you can try to change it to another material. For example, lay down a rag or newspaper and spray it with a special spray.

If in the future it is planned to take the dog outside for emptying, then you need to try walk the puppy as often as possible and do it after eating and sleeping.

If all conditions are met, the result will necessarily be positive.

How to teach a puppy to go to the toilet outside?

When the puppy is three and a half months old, you can start walking with him and do this preferably every three hours.

If a pet is taken out into the street every time after he just sits down, then the number of walks per day can reach from eight to nine.

The diaper should not be taken out of the house. It will only need to be moved closer to the exit.

The more carefully you deal with the dog during this period, the faster you can get the expected result.

Around the age of five months, the puppy will realize that it is much more pleasant and interesting to go to the toilet outside. And by the age of eight months, he will begin to endure until walks.

This method is only suitable for those who have the opportunity to walk their pet during the day.

For Chihuahuas, there is no special need for walking, so it will be enough to accustom them first to a diaper, and then to a tray. For males it will be necessary pick up a tray with a stick, and for bitches – simple.

Teaching a dog to a diaper is a rather long process. Everything should be done gradually, while praising the puppy for the right actions and not scolding for the wrong ones. After all, the pet is still a small child, so you can’t yell at him, and even more so, you can’t beat him. He can get scared and hide where it will be difficult to get him. Therefore, only patience and trusting relationships can give a positive result.

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