What vitamin complexes are necessary for cats and pregnant cats: useful recommendations from veterinarians and tips
One of the reasons for a decrease in immunity in a cat is a lack of vitamins in the body. The result is dysfunction of the cardiovascular and nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, increased hair loss. Seasonal beriberi should also be highlighted. Its reason is the accelerated redistribution of vitamins and minerals in the animal’s body. These processes are the consequences of a weakening of the immune system, which is pathogenically affected by weather conditions.
Features of nutrition of cats
On an intuitive level, cats themselves feel changes in their body, you can observe how a cat eats a grated apple, carrot, sprouted oats, etc. with pleasure.
So that your cat is not prone to beriberi, her daily diet should contain the required amount vitamins and minerals. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age of the pet, its weight and health status.
Despite the fact that a person and a cat require almost the same vitamins, it is not necessary to add “human” vitamins to the animal’s food. Do not forget about the different weight categories, as well as the fact that we need different proportions of certain vitamins.
Therefore, if a tailed friend has appeared in your house, then getting rid of him with easy care will not work. To balance your cat’s diet You need to decide how you will feed him.
Does a cat need vitamins if she eats specialized food
A cat whose diet consists of high-quality industrial feed does not need additional vitamin complexes. Manufacturers have already made sure that everything is necessary in nutrition, most importantly, choose the right food for an animal. You can address this issue to a professional, or you can do it yourself.
Usually, on all packages, the manufacturer indicates additional information such as: “for neutered cats”, “for sterilized cats”, “for hair removal”, “for cats with impaired kidney function”, “pregnant cats” as well as the age category for which the product is intended .
It is better to opt for brands that already have excellent reputation in the cat food market.
It is also not necessary to give the cat vitamins for wool.
How to balance your cat’s diet
If you prefer healthy food and think that cat food is unhealthy, then be kind enough to prepare your pet separately. Cats cannot eat everything that a person has on the table. The presence of sugar, salt, simple carbohydrates, vegetable fats in our food can harm the health of the cat.
Some healthy eaters mistakenly believe that our human dietary supplements are good for cats. For example, they use brewer’s yeast as vitamins for wool.
Here it is necessary to repeat that we have a different weight category, and manufacturers of vitamins for humans calculate their quantity and proportions in accordance with our weight. The weight of the cat is much less, so you can simply harm the animal. Moreover, for a beautiful and healthy coat of a cat, one group of vitamins is not enough.
The daily diet of a cat should contain the following groups of vitamins:
- Vitamin A improves the protective properties of mucous membranes. Contained in the liver, egg yolk, butter, raw meat, offal. Vitamin A deficiency leads to delays in the development of the musculoskeletal system, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, decreased appetite, and deterioration in the general condition of the pet. To replenish it in the cat’s body, the veterinarian may attribute to you the addition of fish oil to food. The amount directly depends on the weight of the pet.
- Lack of vitamin B and its entire group (B1,2,3,5,6,12) affects metabolism, weight loss, lowering hemoglobin, hair loss, dysfunction of the nervous system. A large number of B vitamins are found in the liver, kidneys, heart, rye bread, oat grains, and milk.
- If a cat has disorders in the work of the stomach, intestines and liver, redness on the skin, swelling of the gums, then it is likely that the body does not produce vitamin C on its own. Carrots, dairy products and ascorbic acid must be introduced into the cat’s diet.
- Vitamin D deficiency leads to rickets in young kittens, and can also negatively affect the development of the pet’s skeleton. The source of the vitamin is primarily the sun, so it is necessary to organize walks in the fresh air. In natural products, vitamin D is found in meat and bone meal, ground eggshells.
- The regeneration processes in the body of our pet, the absorption of fats and the slowing down of oxidative processes depend on vitamin E. Deficiency leads to infertility in cats and paralysis in cats. To maintain the necessary balance, the cat should consume germinated wheat, vegetable oil, brewer’s yeast.
- Vitamin K directly affects blood clotting. Eating fishmeal and greens will help your pet replenish its vitamin stores.
Dangers of an overabundance of vitamin in the body of a cat
Many mistakenly believe that the vitamin should be as much as possible. Hypervitaminosis also has its negative consequences, like beriberi. The consequences may be as follows:
- the composition of the blood changes;
- deposits of calcium are formed;
- dysfunction in the work of internal organs.
For example, if a sterilized cat consumes excess vitamin A, this will lead to enlargement of the spleen and liver, and as a result of the work of the internal organs – the coat will become dull and liquid. If a lactating cat has an excess of lactose, it will cause an upset stomach.
It is extremely difficult to balance the required amount of all the nutrients in a cat’s diet, and at home it is almost impossible, therefore it is better to add to his usual diet, specialized vitamin complexes.
Specialized vitamin complexes
In order to choose the right complex for your cat or cat, depending on its needs, age, weight, health status, breed, it is better to consult a doctor.
- Complexes with biotin (recommended for all categories of animals). They have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, help restore strength after childbirth and surgical interventions, and improve the condition of the coat.
- Complexes with taurine (recommended for all categories). They have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen blood vessels, and are useful during pregnancy.
- Complexes for elderly animals: activate cell regeneration; slow down the aging process; improve metabolism.
- Complexes for improving the coat: prevent hair loss; moisturize the skin; remove wool from the stomach of the animal; improve the general condition of the coat.
Vitamins for pregnant cats, as well as during lactation
- prevent eclampsia – a disease of the nervous system of pregnant and lactating cats;
- support the work of internal organs;
- improve the general condition of the skin and coat;
- saturate milk with essential vitamins and minerals;
- help to restore the strength of the body after childbirth.
Complexes for sterilized animals
- I help you recover after spaying.
- They have an anti-stress effect.
- Normalize the hormonal background.
Complexes for emergency action in stressful situations:
- have a sedative effect;
- prevent the negative consequences of stressful situations for the health of the cat.
Forms of release of vitamins
Modern manufacturers produce vitamin complexes for cats in various pharmaceutical forms, such as capsules, powders, tablets or liquids. Liquid vitamins can be oil-based or water-based.
Some believe that drops are the best. They can be discreetly mixed into the food or water of the animal. However each pet is individual, and therefore it is not known which one he will give his preference to.