What vegetables and fruits can be given to hamsters
In order for the rodent not to get sick and live longer, he needs to eat right. A balanced plant-based diet includes more than just herbs and seeds: every owner should know what vegetables and fruits to feed hamsters.
You should not give the rodent only purchased food – there are many useful substances in natural products, for example, in fruits and vegetables there are:
- water is the basis of everything;
- minerals that improve metabolic processes in the body;
- energy-boosting nutrients;
- fiber that affects the digestive processes;
- vitamins that affect the immune system.
If the listed components will come in a complex, the hamster will be less sick. It is important that all food is fresh. It is not recommended to boil it – a large proportion of nutrients will be lost. This can be done very rarely and if necessary, and the cooking time itself can be reduced to a minimum, and in no case should the water be salted.
What vegetables can you give a hamster?
Vegetables for a hamster are one of the main sources of vitamins, and animals, like people, accumulate nutrients for the whole year in the summer, so it is extremely important to treat the rodent with fresh food from the garden. But before that, you need to find out what vegetables you can feed hamsters.
From vegetables suitable:
- cucumbers – few calories, good for a rodent;
- cabbage, but not all – cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage are allowed, but red cabbage is best avoided;
- carrots – among the vegetables that can be hamsters, this is an indispensable element – it contains all the necessary number of vitamins, which improves vision and hearing, the condition of the skin and coat;
- turnip – contains many vitamins, as well as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus;
- zucchini and eggplant will improve the body’s water balance;
- beans and peas are responsible for maintaining proper protein intake.
1-2 times a week you can diversify the diet with pumpkin, tomato or beetroot.
What fruits can you give hamsters?
Almost all fruits can be eaten by hamsters, but only in reasonable amounts, since the high sugar content can lead to diabetes. A special Djungarian hamster should be given less fruit, preferably only as a reward. If you do not follow this, the jungarik will live very little.
The main sweet foods include: pears, apples, bananas, plums, apricots, melons, watermelons. In no case should you give citrus fruits. It is also worth avoiding weathered and beginning to deteriorate. Also, wash them well before serving.
Can a hamster eat dried fruit?
In addition to fresh foods, these pets can also eat a lot of dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, dried pears and apples, but do not abuse them – they also contain a lot of sugar. There are also some divisions by breed: for example, it is better for Syrian hamsters to give dried apricots or prunes in a small piece a couple of times a week, but dzhungars are recommended to eat dried fruits with a lower sugar content – apples or banana chips. Dried fruits are commonly used for feeding and rewarding during training.

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So, hamsters, both Dzungarian and Syrian, eat almost everything from fruits and vegetables, but it is better to know in advance what this or that breed eats and what not.
Vegetables, fruits and dried fruits in the diet of a hamster
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