What to give a rodent for the New Year or Birthday?
Have you already chosen Christmas gifts for your family? Have you forgotten about Homa? Our pets also deserve gifts under the Christmas tree, because they made us happy all year long! Let’s think together what to give a rat, degu, hamster and other rodents.
- Useful treat.
A treat is a win-win option for all pets! If, for example, a rat might like a hammock, but not a hamster at all, then a 100% treat will “go” to everyone! The main thing is to choose not only tasty, but also healthy. To do this, go to your favorite pet store and carefully read the composition.
We are lucky: the modern pet industry indulges pets with treats for every taste. Why not buy Fiory berry biscuits for your little one? The name is already salivating!
- Wheel or ball for running.
Rodents love to play. While chinchillas and guinea pigs are more relaxed and calm, degus, rats and hamsters are more likely to be crazy about a wheel or ball.
The wheel can be installed directly into the cage – and the pet will use it when it pleases. And special balls for running are more suitable for rats and degus. You can place a pet in a ball and let it run around the room. It’s like zorbing, only without coups and other extreme sports!
The main thing is to choose the wheel and ball according to the size of the pet. Attention: an accessory of the wrong size can cause serious injury!
- Hammock in a cage.
Do you like to lie on a hammock under a palm tree? So your pet loves – by the way, he doesn’t even need a palm tree! If you have a rat, be sure to get a hammock for it. Other pets can appreciate it too, try it!
- Ladders.
Must-have for a cage with degus and rats. These active rodents never get a lot of movement! The more activities, the better. A safe cage ladder is another “trainer” on which you can stretch the bones.
- Tunnel.
A win-win accessory for any rodents. Place the tunnel in the cage. Some pets will use it as a toy, others as an additional shelter. In any case, the tunnel will not remain idle.
- Labyrinth.
The ultimate dream for decorative mice and rats. Give a labyrinth to a pet – and he will not know what boredom is. By the way, if you have several rodents, you can arrange real (but only friendly) competitions between them. Don’t forget to treat them to a treat at the finish line, regardless of the result!
- Puzzles.
For example, puzzles with holes for food and caps. The rodent will have to figure out how to open the cell and get a treat. Such toys are ideal for rats, because they love to solve complex problems. Believe me, watching them will be no less interesting for you!
- House.
Perhaps this is the most cozy New Year’s gift! Well, who would not be delighted with a warm house, where you can always hide and relax? The house (and maybe several) is installed directly in the cage. Don’t forget to keep it clean.
- Aviary.
A good thing for active rodents who like to run around the apartment. We are sure that you know how dangerous it is to let a rodent out on its own and do not do it. But how can he run then? And in the aviary! Get a special folding aviary. You can quickly and easily collect it at any time, place toys there and let the rodent frolic. Well, that’s great! And most importantly, it’s safe.
- More cell.
Perhaps the New Year is the time to improve the living conditions of the pet. Why not get a bigger cage? Think of a multi-level cage – degus are especially excited about it. Remember that the more pets you have, the more spacious the cage should be.
So, are you ready for the most magical night of the year? We wish you a great holiday, and your pets – useful gifts!