What to do if your dog has diarrhea
Favorite pets, despite the comprehensive care of the owners, sometimes have health problems. What could be the causes of diarrhea in a dog, ways to deal with this disease and possible consequences – in the article.
Diarrhea is loose, loose stools in a dog that may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as vomiting, changes in the color and smell of feces, and the appearance of blood in it. In all these cases, it is very important to notice the symptoms in a timely manner and begin treatment.
Diarrhea in a dog can come and go immediately, or it can last up to a month. If the disease occurred once and did not bring further consequences, there is most likely no reason for concern. But with a longer course of this disease, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian to find out the causes and find out what to do if the dog has diarrhea.
Diarrhea without other symptoms
The reasons can be different: stale or unsuitable food for the dog, a sudden change in food, allergies, penetration of foreign objects into the stomach along with food, a reaction to medications or infection with helminths.
Treatment for diarrhea in a dog is as follows: eliminating foods that could cause poisoning, or reducing the amount of food taken when overeating. If the symptoms do not go away, the animal needs to be provided with a diet, increased fluid volumes, give absorbents, if worms are found, give anthelmintic drugs, in case of prolonged diarrhea – antibiotics. All drugs must be prescribed by a veterinarian, otherwise the treatment may harm the pet.
Diarrhea and vomiting
Diarrhea complicated by vomiting may signal a more serious illness.
Possible causes are stale or poor quality food, accidentally swallowed foreign objects, worms, overeating, fatty and heavy foods, chemical poisoning, or more serious diseases: distemper, coronavirus, rotavirus or adenovirus.
If the diarrhea is short-lived, the same measures as for normal diarrhea may help; if it lasts a little longer, it is better to take tests and adjust the treatment together with a veterinarian.
Repeated repetition of symptoms is a reason for an immediate visit to the veterinarian. Only he can make a diagnosis based on research and prescribe treatment with medications – antiviral, anthelmintic or antibacterial.
Diarrhea with foreign matter
Diarrhea with blood or mucus in the stool requires immediate medical attention. There are many reasons for this phenomenon: poisoning, damage to the intestinal walls, parasites, ulcers, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, tumors and infections in the intestine, enteritis.
Treatment depends on the causes and may include gastric lavage, antibiotics, antiviral, antiparasitic, wound healing agents. In the most severe cases, surgery may be needed.
Liquid stool of an unusual color
Black diarrhea may be due to internal bleeding or activated charcoal. Yellow – violations of the liver, indigestion, helminthiasis. White – the absence of bile in the stool. Red most likely indicates the presence of blood in the feces, caused by internal bleeding, inflammation or viral infection. It will be green if the pet has eaten something stale, if it has infections caused by viruses or bacteria, dysbacteriosis.
In any case, a consultation with a veterinarian will not be superfluous.
It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the dog, notice the symptoms in time and immediately provide the necessary medical assistance. Then the four-legged friend will be healthy and cheerful.