Basic Fitness Basics for Show Dogs

Basic Fitness Basics for Show Dogs

 Dog fitness is becoming more and more popular. And for show dogs, it is almost indispensable. What is this direction and who should go in for fitness? 

What is included in the concept of basic fitness for show dogs?

Basic fitness for show dogs is exercises aimed at:

  • acquisition of a competitive exterior of the body, fore and hind limbs
  • maintaining a competitive exterior of the trunk, fore and hind limbs
  • practicing the show gait.

 Many owners turn to a fitness trainer with a problem: the dog does not trot when necessary and at the right pace, or trots but does not carry its head, goes off the trot very quickly, or does not fit into the turn. The reasons may be different, but often this is due to the wrong addition of the dog or insufficient training. Basic fitness allows you to “balance” the dog, develop the necessary skills. 

Why is basic fitness essential for show dogs?

A fitness dog always achieves the best results in the ring and leaves behind competitors, because it can show itself in the most spectacular way.

Basic Fitness Basics for Show Dogs

How is basic show dog fitness different from general fitness?

  • Directed action on the musculoskeletal system in order to create a beautiful show body in accordance with the breed standard. Therefore, working with a Italian Greyhound will be very different from working with a Labrador, and working with a Dachshund from working with a Welsh Terrier, because they have a completely different exterior.
  • The absence of long-term aerobic and explosive (sprint) loads – great endurance in the ring is not needed.
  • Training taking into account the needs of the specifics of the ring. Most often winning dogs are those that can themselves (and not with the help of a handler) take the show stance and remain in it all the time the judge examines it. This is evidence of the development and health of the musculoskeletal system. There are rings with a rather slippery surface, and special skills are required from the dog in order to balance himself in turns and not get injured.
  • Impact on the musculoskeletal system only by anaerobic loads, i.e. You can exercise with a dog every day, giving the body 24 hours to recover.
  • The minimum inclusion in the work of additional devices.


What are the benefits of basic fitness for show dogs?

  1. Easy to learn at home.
  2. Minimum contraindications.
  3. Optimal session duration. For example, you can spend 15 minutes on a walk doing fitness – and that will be enough.
  4. The study of all muscles, including deep ones, and deep muscles are responsible for balance and balance.
  5. Correction of the topline, set of the neck and limbs.
  6. Acceleration of metabolic processes in the body.
  7. Improving coordination.


Are there any downsides to basic show dog fitness?

  • Classes must be held strictly regularly. General fitness aimed at healing is enough to do 1 – 2 times a week, but with basic fitness, neither you nor the dog can relax. The more regularly you exercise, the faster you will see the effect of training. If you can’t practice for 15 minutes every day, practice at least 2-3 times a week. Otherwise, there will be no result.

Basic Fitness Basics for Show DogsSee also:

How to Do Basic Fitness for Show Dogs

Basic Fitness for Show Dogs: Exercises

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