What to do if the cat yells?
Health problems
Pay close attention to how the cat eats, how it behaves, and whether its habits have changed. If the animal is in a lethargic state, refuses its favorite treats, hides in dark places all the time, then there are health problems. If the screams are accompanied by a violation of the stool, vomiting, then this may indicate that the cat has been poisoned or has worms. If a cat screams when visiting the toilet, then she may have diseases of the genitourinary system. A cat can scream, run and itch when it suffers from allergies or has fleas in its fur.
If the cat has not been spayed, then she may yell when estrus begins. Usually this period can fall on spring and early autumn. Consult your veterinarian to determine the best time to spay. Uncastrated cats can also accompany sexual behavior with vocalizations.
If everything is in order with the health of the cat and she does not have estrus or sexual behavior, then remember if there have been any changes in her life lately. Cats don’t like change of scenery, they hate moving, they don’t want to meet new owners. By crying, a cat can express its dissatisfaction with the current situation. And here it is important to show that you need it: play with the cat more often, stroke it, talk. Over time, she will get used to the new environment and will feel calmer.
The cat gets its way
Sometimes a cat behaves like a small child. If she yells, then the owners immediately run up and give her what she asks for. So from an early age, in a short time, the kitten manages to train its owners. As a result, the cat gets used to immediately receiving affection, play, attention. If at first she does this only during the day, then gradually the screams pass to the night too.
Stop encouraging the animal when it draws attention to itself in this way. After the cat is silent (and sooner or later she will get tired of screaming), wait a few minutes and give her what she so actively asked for. The cat eventually realizes that her cries do not work and it is pointless to yell.
However, if the cat has reached old age, then you need to treat her “talkativeness” with understanding. The feeling of loneliness is more pronounced in old age.
An older cat may be anxious and need attention.
Form a mode for the cat
When your pet is constantly yelling at night, you can try one interesting strategy. Let all family members actively play with the animal during daylight hours. It is desirable that the game has an imitation of hunting. The pet must run, jump, catch something. As soon as he satisfies his animal instincts, he will surely calm down. Feed your cat well before bed. After that, she no longer wants to be naughty, but there will be only one desire – to fall asleep soundly. And you will be able to sleep at night.
The cat can sleep at any time of the day. Teach the animal from the first months of life to sleep at night. If this has not been done already, then wake the cat when she starts to doze late in the evening so that she, having slept and full of energy, does not wake up in the middle of the night.
15 2017 June
Updated: 19 May 2022