What should be in the house in which the puppy lives
The appearance of a puppy in the house is a joyful, exciting, but also a very responsible event, which should be approached with great attention and care. At the new place, the baby should be waited not only by loving, kind hands, but also by food, as well as various items and accessories that will be necessary for him in everyday life or will most likely come in handy in unusual situations.
The most important item on the list of necessary things is food. Choose a special food for puppies, preferably a super premium class, as it takes into account the balance of vitamins and trace elements. If you choose natural feeding or economy class food, then supplement the puppy’s diet with vitamins. Also stock up on treats for puppies, they will be useful to you in the process of raising babies.
In addition to food, the puppy needs basic set of accessories for a young pet, and it is recommended to collect it for every responsible owner:
A comfortable couch, which you need to place in a cozy place without drafts and high traffic.
Two bowls (for food and water) and a stand for them.
Collar made of soft material that does not injure delicate skin.
Address book.
Leash or tape measure.
Safe toys that will not shatter into sharp pieces under pressure and injure the puppy (it is best to purchase special toys at the pet store).
A brush for combing wool, the model of which depends on the characteristics of the coat of the breed of your dog.
Nail cutter for dogs.
Wipes and lotion for cleaning eyes and ears.
Shampoo for puppies, preferably hypoallergenic.
Well absorbent towel.
Remedy for parasites (fleas, ticks, worms, etc.).
Cage-house or aviary.
Disposable or reusable diapers.
Puppy feeding bottle (if the pet is still breastfed).
Stain and odor remover.
In addition, the house must have first-aid kit. Traditionally, it includes:
thermometer, preferably electronic with a flexible tip,
bandages, sterile and self-fixing,
disinfectants without alcohol,
diarrhea remedy (sorbents),
wound healing ointment
phone numbers of nearby veterinary clinics or a veterinarian.
This is how the basic, standard kit looks like, which is not difficult to assemble, but thanks to it, from the first days of your stay in the new house, the puppy will feel comfortable, and you will be armed with a basic first-aid kit in case of possible ailments or injuries to the baby.
Also, do not forget about the safety of a curious pet, because interesting discoveries await him in the new house, which can be dangerous for the baby.
Read more about this in the article “”.