What is your dog according to the zodiac sign?

What is your dog according to the zodiac sign?

Aries Dog (21.03/20.04 – XNUMX/XNUMX)

What is your dog according to the zodiac sign?Very active, playful dog. Movements are abrupt and jerky. He loves to chase everything that moves. The Aries dog must either be kept on a leash all the time, or trained very carefully and seriously, otherwise it will become uncontrollable. The four-legged Aries love long walks. Their inexhaustible energy exhausts the owner, who is inferior to the pet in terms of physical capabilities. The Aries dog must be trained from an early age. They obey decisive and energetic gestures and clear sound commands. If fate has thrown you an impulsive and restless Aries, you will have to temper your body and spirit, otherwise it will be difficult to get along with a dog imbued with the spirit of rivalry with everyone around.

Taurus Dog (April 21.04 – May 21.05)

What is your dog according to the zodiac sign?Taurus dogs are stubborn owners and pragmatists. They love to eat plentifully and tasty food, they are prone to obesity. It is useless to apply violence to the four-legged Taurus. In order not to become “the dog of your dog”, you will have to learn not to suppress the pet, but to patiently “sculpt” it for yourself. Strain your imagination, come up with exciting and interesting games, then your dog-Taurus will become an exemplary student. Taurus learns slowly, but they learn the material firmly. And stubbornness turns into perseverance and perseverance. These dogs are affectionate and peaceful, but they will fiercely defend their toys. The watchdog Taurus is fanatically devoted to his family and home. Taurus are conservative and do not like to strain in vain. They perceive any changes with caution. They are distinguished by angelic patience, but you should not anger them. In anger, they are fearful and almost insensitive to pain.

Gemini Dog (22.05 – 21.06)

What is your dog according to the zodiac sign?These charming dogs cannot stand indifference or loneliness. Gemini dogs combine emotionality, sensitivity and frivolity, often unpredictable. These are cunning people who are quite capable of deception, and with a completely unflappable look. And they will even take part in the search for a sausage stolen by someone. However, it is unfair to call them shameless and insidious. Deception is the result of intelligence, determination and ingenuity. Just direct their energy in the right direction. Gemini dogs are well trained, eager to perceive new things, inquisitive, but at the same time quite timid. They can’t stand the monotony, they get tired quickly. They will willingly go camping with you, but at the same time they are ready to follow anyone who plays or treats them to something delicious.

Cancer Dog (22.06 – 22.07)

What is your dog according to the zodiac sign?Cancer dogs require delicate and respectful handling. They are touchy and will not fail to demonstrate it. Therefore, do not take out a bad mood on them. They do not tolerate loneliness, they are endowed with an excellent memory and a high level of intelligence. Four-legged Cancers are affectionate and playful. They idolize the owner, and if their love is not mutual, this is a real tragedy, fraught with depression or a nervous breakdown. These dogs are housebound, can work as nannies or take care of orphaned kittens. A measured, unhurried life is ideal for them.

Leo Dog (23.07 – 23.08)

What is your dog according to the zodiac sign?Собакам-Львам присуща некая царственность, самоуважение и даже самоуверенность. Они не бросаются встречать вас, а, скорее, снисходят до общения. Впрочем, маленькая собачка, родившаяся под этим знаком, может напоминать Моську, облаивающую слона.Четвероногие Львы горды и храбры, независимо от размеров.Уберегайте их от чрезмерных нагрузок: гордость не позволит им признать, что они чего-то не могут, а организм может не выдержать напряжения.Люди, общаясь с этими собаками, становятся великодушнее и благороднее.

Virgo Dog (24.08 – 23.09)

What is your dog according to the zodiac sign?These dogs are usually very clean. They love order, are disciplined, smart, not subject to other people’s influence and bravely stand up for the owner’s defense. Four-legged Virgos are a gift for a competent trainer. They are extremely intelligent and endowed with a sense of duty. If they do something wrong, they are sincerely upset.

Libra Dog (24.09 – 23.10)

What is your dog according to the zodiac sign?Libra dogs are distinguished by complaisance, softness and sophistication. They are peacemakers who suffer terribly from family quarrels. These dogs tend to love music. And they willingly sing along while listening to a radio or TV show. With four-legged Libra, you will not get bored and will not get bogged down in conflicts.

Scorpio Dog (24.10 – 22.11)

What is your dog according to the zodiac sign?Scorpio dogs need to be walked very intensively, otherwise their character will deteriorate, and they will become angry and disobedient. Four-legged Scorpios are straightforward, they distinguish only black and white. And the path from love to hate is short for them. They are capable of revenge. These dogs are perfect for the role of service dogs. They are able to find and catch the most elusive criminal. Scorpio dogs have a well-developed intuition, and they perfectly predict your actions.

Sagittarius Dog (23.11 – 21.12)

What is your dog according to the zodiac sign?This sign gives dogs self-esteem and a heightened sense of justice. Sagittarius dogs are mobile, cheerful, love space and freedom. They hate the leash but are well trained. They love traveling and are happy to explore new places. Four-legged Sagittarians are tireless and reckless, they are excellent athletes.

Capricorn Dog (December 22.12 – January 20.01)

What is your dog according to the zodiac sign?These are calm, balanced dogs, willingly obeying the rules. Their daily routine is everything. The carelessness of the owners can cause stress. You will have to go for a walk on a schedule. Weather conditions or employment are not considered mitigating circumstances. The Capricorn Dog disciplines owners, teaches them to persevere in achieving goals and, quite likely, is able to lead them on the path of prosperity.

Собака-Водолей (21.01 – 18.02)

What is your dog according to the zodiac sign?Собаки-Водолеи дружелюбны, игривы, ласковы, рады гостям и редко становятся хорошими охранниками.Они отлично приспосабливаются к любым, даже самым анархистским условиям. Готовы самостоятельно находить занятия по душе и любят вкусно поесть.Четвероногие Водолеи любят ласку и могут лечить владельцев: снижать кровяное давление, устранять бессонницу и повышать иммунитет.

Собака-Рыбы (19.02 – 20.03)

What is your dog according to the zodiac sign?Dog-Pisces can be safely called psychics. They are extremely helpful, understand the meaning of words and are very accommodating. These dogs are ready to listen to you for hours, with unflagging attention. Four-legged Pisces are smart, easy to train, but they are characterized by vulnerability and frequent mood swings. They do not tolerate violence and screaming, and are rarely aggressive themselves. The owner must show tact, gentleness, use positive reinforcement. Dogs-Pisces have the gift of healing, but they cannot be abused: these pets do not think about themselves at all and can wither away.

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