What is weight pulling for dogs?
It is believed that vape pulling originated at the end of the XNUMXth century, and the first mention of it can be found in Jack London’s novel The Call of the Wild, as well as in other works of literature of the late XNUMXth and early XNUMXth centuries. It was the period of the gold rush and the need to survive in harsh natural conditions that became the impetus for the development of sledding with dogs and, accordingly, weight pulling – pulling the load (from English weight pulling – “pull the weight”).
As an independent sports discipline, weight pulling for dogs began to develop only in the second half of the 1984th century. So, in 2005, the first International Weight Pulling Association was founded, which is still active in the United States. A little later, similar European organizations appeared. In Russia, official weight pulling competitions began to be held relatively recently – since XNUMX. They are supervised by the Russian Cynological Federation.
How are the competitions going?
Each organization has its own rules for holding weight pulling championships, which may differ slightly from each other.
In Russia, competitions are held in six weight categories: up to 10 kg, up to 20 kg, up to 30 kg, up to 40 kg, up to 50 kg and over 50 kg.
Each dog is weighed immediately before the competition, and according to the results it is determined in one of six categories.
Competition process:
The task of each dog participating in the competition is to move the platform on which the load is located at a distance of 5 meters in a minute;
In this case, the handler must not touch the dog or the load until the animal crosses the finish line;
The weight of the load for each athlete is calculated based on the weight category to which the dog belongs. The lightest load weighs 100 kg and is used in the category of dogs weighing up to 10 kg; the heaviest load is 400 kg, it is dragged by participants whose weight is more than 50 kg;
Judges may recommend a lower weight for each individual competitor;
The amount by which the weight of the load is adjusted on the next attempt is determined by the judges, taking into account the opinion of the majority of handlers;
Rude attitude towards the dog by the handler, false start, aggression of the animal and provocation of other participants are punished by penalty points or disqualification;
Do not use a whistle or treats to attract a dog;
The winner of the competition is the participant who managed to drag the heaviest weight in his category.
Who can participate?
Animals from 1 to 12 years of age can take part in weight pulling competitions, all of them must be healthy and vaccinated. Puppies under 12 months old, as well as pregnant women and dogs in estrus are not allowed.
Breed and size do not matter, the main thing is the desire of the animal to pull weight, its perseverance and strength capabilities.
How to prepare for the competition?
Despite the fact that only adult dogs can participate in competitions, preparation for them should begin in advance – from about 4-5 months. If there is little experience, it is advisable to trust a specialist cynologist.
First, the dog is trained in a general training course (OKD). The pet is taught obedience and basic commands. When the animal’s musculoskeletal system is finally formed, training begins with the use of a load and accustoming to a harness. It is very important to carry out a gradual increase in weight on the platform.
You can train not only in summer, but also in winter, using sleds and even skis, as in skipulling.
March 5 2018
Updated: 13 March 2018