What is dog stripping?
Stripping for dogs is an artificial renewal of wool. The name of the procedure just came from English to strip, which means “rip off, cut off.” Like trimming, stripping involves plucking hairs with a special tool – a stripper.
In essence, trimming and stripping are the names of the same procedure. Some groomers under stripping mean the removal of not only the integumentary hair, but also the outer hair. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out this procedure infrequently – twice a year.
Who needs stripping?
Many representatives of long-haired and short-haired breeds coat is replaced twice a year – in spring and autumn. At this time, experts recommend combing pets more thoroughly with a furminator brush.
In rough-haired dogs, the hair does not change like that. In the process of evolution, their hair stopped falling out, but new hair grows at the same time. In order for the pet to be healthy and well-groomed, stripping is carried out for him. These breeds include schnauzers, fox terriers, griffons and many others.
The optimal age for the first stripping is considered to be 6-8 months, however puppies begin to accustom to it much earlier.
How is the stripping going?
- The procedure for removing dead hair is performed using a special knife with small teeth, called a dog stripper. The groomer grabs a strand of hair, pinches the skin with his thumb and removes dead hairs;
- Some dog owners are convinced that stripping is an unpleasant and painful procedure. But, if it is performed by a professional, there will be no problems;
- Before stripping, the dog is not bathed, but it is advisable to do this after the procedure. It is important to use a pet shampoo with the appropriate coat type;
- When processing the hair on the paws and in the groin, the groomer must be especially careful and attentive. Most often, the hairs are not removed there, but cut off, since the skin in these places is very sensitive and the procedure can be too painful;
- Stripping should not be done before the hair matures, otherwise the dog’s skin can be damaged.
It is impossible to do stripping on your own without special training and education. It can only be performed by a professional and experienced groomer. All his movements must be clear, sharp and precise. If you want to independently carry out this procedure for your pet, you need to take special courses or a groomer’s school.
How to choose a groomer?
First, decide whether you want to call the master at home or go to the salon yourself. In the first case, you can save money, but the risk of encountering a not very good specialist is higher.
When choosing a groomer, be sure to look at his work. It is desirable to evaluate not only the result, but also the process itself.
You can turn to friends for advice. But keep in mind that not all masters are generalists. Someone is better at cutting Yorkshire terriers, and someone is trimming miniature schnauzers. Therefore, it is worth considering the breed of the pet of the person to whom you turn for advice.
You can also ask for contacts from the breeders of the breed. In this case, the probability of finding a suitable master is many times higher.
When meeting with the groomer, analyze his manner of communicating with the dog and how the animal perceives him. What does a specialist do when a pet is nervous? Remember that every little thing matters.
July 6 2018
Updated: July 6, 2018