Water and Aquarium Purification
In order for the water in the aquarium to be clean and not have an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to install a good filter that acts on the volume of water 2-3 times higher than the actual volume of water in the aquarium, and also feed the aquatic turtle in the sump so that food residues do not pollute the water. The sponge in the internal filter is changed 1-2 times a week, and the water in the aquarium is changed as it gets dirty. However, if the contamination is negligible, a partial water change once a month will do.
It is also advisable to siphon the soil with a manual or electric siphon. Aquarium glass from green plaque can be cleaned with a special aquarium scraper with a blade.
For additional water purification, water conditioners and green algae control products are also suitable:
Aquarium water smells bad
If you have a strong smell in the water in the aquarium, then most likely it is a poorly functioning or non-working filter, or you feed the turtles in the aquarium, but they do not eat everything. Feed the turtles in the pit, check the filter, and check the water for egg shells. When females lay fatty eggs in the water, they themselves eat them, which greatly deteriorates the water.
Aquarium water gets dirty very quickly.
Perhaps your filter is not able to cope with the pollution of the water in the aquarium. The filter should be designed for a volume exceeding the volume of the aquarium by 2-3 times. Try cleaning the filter more than once a week, but more often. If you do not have a filter, buy and install it.
To make the water even less polluted, turtles can be fed in a separate container, and then transplanted back into the aquaterrarium.
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