Two dogs in the house: pros and cons

Two dogs in the house: pros and cons

Is it worth getting two dogs at once? You’ve always wanted a pet, and now, as you prepare your home for a new occupant, you can’t decide whether to take one or two dogs. Having two pets in the house means a lot of responsibility, but it also provides great opportunities. First, think about your lifestyle, breed choice, and long-term goals. You need to make sure that the dog – or dogs – that you bring into the house is suitable for you in terms of energy, size and needs.

Friendly communication between dogs

Sometimes you won’t be able to be at home with your dog. One of the benefits of having two animals is that they will keep each other company. If the dogs get along well and get along well, friendly communication will help them not to get bored. They’ll be busy, which means they’ll have less time to play pranks like chewing and ruining things they shouldn’t.

They will play together, spend energy, which means they will be less dependent on you in terms of providing physical activity and “fun” pastime. Both dogs will bond better with their fellow dogs, so if you have friends with pets, be sure to invite them over for barbecues.

However, the fact that you are ready to replenish your family with two pets does not mean that dogs are looking for a “companion”. A dog that is not interested in sharing his home with another puppy may have behavioral problems. Look for signs of jealousy or defiance. If the animals start to show any signs of aggression, you will have to make an important decision. First, you need to immediately breed the dogs. Second, you should either enlist the help of a professional animal trainer or consider separating pets permanently.

If you already have one dog in your home, be sure to take him to a shelter to introduce him to a potential new companion. Most shelters won’t mind and even recommend it themselves. Such a visit will help you better understand whether the animals will get along with each other, and will make your decision process a little easier. Shelter dogs who are a little stingy with you or your pet don’t necessarily make bad companions: they may have had some bad experiences in their previous lives. Sometimes a little love is all it takes to get a shy puppy out of its hiding place and become another beloved member of your family.

Consider upcoming expenses

Keeping a dog can be quite expensive. When deciding how many dogs to take, consider the long-term and short-term costs. The essentials you will need to buy before bringing the animals into the house include dog food (and treats), collars and leashes. These are all relatively inexpensive things, but it’s worth remembering that two dogs consume twice as much food as one! You can also invest in other essentials, such as toys (to save money, you can buy toys for two of them) and dog beds. Just don’t forget their feelings. If one of them doesn’t want to share a toy, it’s best to buy another toy for the other dog so they don’t have to fight over it.

However, in the long run, spending will rise. Consider the need for annual scheduled and unscheduled visits to the veterinarian. They include the cost of admission and the cost of paying for the vaccinations required for both dogs. But the costs directly related to keeping animals are not the only financial costs to consider. Have you already started planning your summer vacation? It can be difficult for you to find a person who will be willing to walk two pets at the same time. If you can’t find a dog house or hotel, you’ll have to bring your own, which can be very expensive.

Two dogs in the house: pros and cons

Simultaneous “adoption” of two dogs

Any major change can be stressful for dogs, but if you adopt two animals from the same offspring, they may be less worried about the change of scenery. When you bring home two puppies, expect twice as much work. From the very beginning, it is important to properly educate puppies, teach them to go to the toilet in the right place and solve any behavioral problems. If you immediately begin to devote sufficient time to training, your dogs will be at the same level of education. After all, they will study together. Each puppy will witness all the adjustments in the other’s behavior and learn from it. 

Some shelters will tell you that some animals can only be adopted as a couple. This is typical of dogs brought there together. To help them avoid separation anxiety and other problems, shelters often ask that these animals be adopted as a couple. In some cases, this can be a great option for new owners, as they will get two dogs that already get along well with each other and won’t create unnecessary behavioral or territorial problems.

Admission of adult dogs at different times

As a new dog owner, it may be easier to adopt pets at different times than trying to manage two different characters at the same time without any experience. But how to make friends with them? Start training your first dog right away, and when you feel that he has mastered the necessary skills, bring a second dog into the house. Of course, the situation may turn out differently, but there is a chance that the second pet will follow the example of the first, and this will simplify the training process for you and speed it up for the dog. Vetstreet recommends choosing animals of approximately the same age and size to reduce the risk of competition. For example, if you have a six-year-old golden retriever, a four-year-old domestic bulldog might be a good companion for him.

Only you can decide whether you are ready to open your home and your heart to one or two dogs. After all, the upbringing of each of them will be as unique as your lifestyle.

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