Turtle terrarium equipment
If you decide to have a turtle, for its comfortable keeping you will need not only a terrarium, but also special equipment. What is this equipment and what exactly is it intended for? Let’s talk about this in our article.
- Terrarium
For turtles, it is recommended to purchase a spacious rectangular terrarium. The terrarium should come with a cover with ventilation holes: it will protect the territory of the turtle from the intrusion of children and other pets. The size of the terrarium depends on the type of turtle and the number of pets. Its dimensions should allow pets to move freely.
- ground cover
Soil is very important for turtles: turtles love to dig. Some types of soil well prevent various diseases of the joints of the extremities, as well as stimulate their blood supply.
The main thing is to avoid the main mistake when choosing a soil: the soil should not be finely dispersed. That is, sand, earth, sawdust, hay and small coconut flakes are not suitable for keeping any land turtle. Turtles do not have eyelashes or hairs in their noses, so fine litter will cause eye and upper respiratory problems in these animals.
The ideal litter for any tortoise of any size or species is large coconut chips and large pebbles. You can also use plastic lawns (astroturf) and rubber mats. This type of bedding requires regular maintenance. Plastic grass on artificial turf should not be very long (no more than 0,5 cm), otherwise the turtle may eat it.
- House
The turtle will definitely need a shelter for sleeping and relaxing. You can buy a turtle house at a pet store or make your own. It is recommended to install it in a cool part of the terrarium.
The main requirement for the house: the turtle must fit in it completely and be able to hide in it from unwanted attention.
- heating lamp
For tortoises, heating the terrarium with incandescent stones, mats, and other bottom heating equipment is not suitable. It can cause serious diseases of the internal organs.
The terrarium should be heated with incandescent lamps. Their shape, type and wattage, in principle, are not important. They should ensure the overall temperature in the terrarium: about 30 degrees. In this case, under the lamp there will be a warm-up point with a temperature above 30 degrees, and in the farthest corner from the lamp just below 30.
- Ultraviolet lamp
An ultraviolet lamp is vital for a turtle. Without a source of ultraviolet light, these animals practically do not absorb vitamins and trace elements from food and supplements. Almost all species of tortoises are suitable for a 10% UVB UV lamp. This marking must be applied to the lamp if it is truly ultraviolet.
The light bulb should work 12 hours a day. It is recommended to change the lamp every six months, even if it does not have time to burn out.
- Thermometer
Temperature control is essential. In a terrarium, ideally, there should be several thermometers that will measure the temperature in a cold and as warm corner as possible.
- Feeder and drinker
The feeder and drinker must be stable. For several turtles, it is recommended to purchase several feeders and drinkers. The most suitable place for a feeder is an illuminated area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe terrarium under a lamp.
The feeder can always be in the terrarium, but you need to make sure that the food in it does not spoil. The terrarium should also have a drinking bowl with fresh (not boiled!) Clean water.
- bathing container
A pond for land turtles is primarily necessary to facilitate the processes of defecation and urination: it is easier for turtles to go to the toilet in the water.
For some tropical species of tortoises, a pond is necessary to increase the humidity in the terrarium, but such domesticated species are extremely rare. For the most common land tortoise – the Central Asian – a pond for swimming in a terrarium is not needed. Provided that you regularly bathe the turtle in the tub.
An important nuance is that turtles do not need to swim in the water, they must walk in it. A bowl of water in a terrarium will take up living space and will generally be useless.
- Decorative elements
At will, the terrarium is decorated with decorative elements that are safe for the turtle. But there are two important factors to consider. First, any scenery is important only for a person and is completely unnecessary for a turtle. Secondly, the decorations must be safe and not fit into the turtle’s mouth, as it can eat them.
- Aquaterrarium
Aquaterrarium should be reliable and spacious. Optimal dimensions for one amphibious turtle: 76x38x37cm.
The total volume of the aquaterrarium for water turtles should be at least 150 liters: this volume will definitely be enough for the whole life of one turtle. At the same time, the volume of the aquarium is not completely filled, since there must be land in the aquarium. The land is an adequate island on which a turtle of any size can fit in its entirety to completely dry and warm up.
- Ground
It is better to use large pebbles as a soil for an aquaterrarium. You can use glass filler for aquariums and shells. The main requirement for the soil of a waterfowl turtle is that it must be twice the size of the reptile’s head so that the turtle does not swallow it.
- Point light source
The lamp is placed above the island at a height of 20-30 cm. It provides an optimal level of illumination. But the main function of an incandescent lamp is to heat the island. Do not forget that turtles are cold-blooded animals. To digest food, they need to warm up to a temperature above 25 degrees.
- Water filter
Even powerful internal filters for aquarium fish extremely poorly filter the waste products of turtles and practically do not perform their function.
To purify the water in the aquarium where the water turtle lives, external filters are suitable. Based on the name, it is clear that the filter is outside the terrarium. Only two tubes are placed in the terrarium: one takes water, and the other returns it back. With such a filter, you do not take up space in the turtle’s aquarium.
If the filter is twice the volume of the actual mass of water that fills the aquarium, it will easily perform its function.
- Heater
Heaters (thermoregulators) allow you to maintain the optimal water temperature in the aquaterrarium. They are vital for any water turtle, as the ideal temperature gradient is from 22 to 27 degrees.
- Decorative elements
To decorate the aquaterrarium, special decorations are used that are safe for the turtle. These are various ruins, figurines, luminous stones. In pet stores you can find a huge range of special decorations for aquaterrariums. It is strongly not recommended to use decorations that are not intended for the aquaterrarium: they can be dangerous to the health of its inhabitants. The main requirement for any decoration is that it be twice the size of the reptile’s head.
- Plants
It is not recommended to place both plastic and live plants in the aquaterrarium. Amphibious turtles pull them out of the ground and eat them.
- Means for preparation and purification of water
The health of an amphibious turtle directly depends on the quality of the water. To optimize the water characteristics, use special professional water treatment and purification products (for example, Tetra). Never fill the aquaterrarium with unsettled tap water.
- Thermometer.
For land and aquatic turtles, temperature control is very important: both on the island and in the water.
We have listed the basic equipment for terrariums with terrestrial and amphibious turtles. There are other solutions to make the life of pets even happier and the terrarium more spectacular.
Over time, consulting with experts and gaining experience, you will learn how to equip the terrarium in accordance with the rules for keeping a pet and your design preferences. And for those who appreciate ready-made solutions, there are ready-made sets of aquaterrariums with equipment and decorations (for example, Tetra ReptoAquaSet).