Turtle care and maintenance in winter
Now it is very cold outside and, unfortunately, owners began to complain about the lethargy of their pets, refusal to eat and even a cold.
This happens ALWAYS, if you do not take care of creating favorable conditions of detention in advance. Friends, I strongly recommend checking whether everything is safe in your terrarium! So, many people know this, but someone should find it very useful:
- Be sure to keep pets in a terrarium (for land species) or aquaterrarium (for aquatic representatives).
- In the aquaterrarium there should be an island or land, above which an incandescent lamp should be installed at a distance of 25-35 cm for heating. The power of the lamp should be selected so that the temperature on land is 30-35 degrees C and turned on for 10-12 hours during the day.
- In the water part of the aquaterrarium, a heater with a thermostat must be installed that maintains the water temperature at 21-24 degrees C around the clock! If the house is warm, then a water heater is not needed.
- The terrarium should have a “cold corner”, where the temperature is maintained at 24-26 degrees. With a day and a “warm corner”, where the temperature under the lamp should be 30-35 degrees C. 10-12 hours in the afternoon. To do this, it is enough to place an incandescent lamp over a “warm corner” at a distance of 25-35 cm, selecting the power of the lamp so that the temperature under it is 30-35 degrees. FROM.
- All turtle species MUST have an ultraviolet reptile foot such as Arcadia 10%, 12% on for 10-12 hours a day.
- Terrariums and aquaterrariums must not be kept on the floor! The distance from the bottom of the aquarium to the floor must be at least 20 cm.
- Don’t Hibernate Turtles! And remember, unprofessional hibernation is dangerous for the health and life of your pets!
- If your turtle has ceased to be active and does not eat anything, increase the temperature in the terrarium or aquaterrarium.
Remember, fluorescent and ultraviolet lamps do not heat up!!!! To do this, you definitely need incandescent paws (you can use a table lamp).
If your terrarium or aquaterrarium has not been equipped according to the rules, then immediately do it! And be sure to pay attention to the breathing of turtles – are there any sounds, neck stretching or anything unusual in behavior? If yes, then urgently to the herpetologist! Addresses of herpetologists on the site.
Author — Flint Tatiana (SunLight)
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