Top 10 smallest crocodiles in the world
Crocodiles appeared more than 83 million years ago. This squad, belonging to the class of reptiles, has at least 15 species of real crocodiles, 8 species of alligators. Most of them grow up to 2-5,5 m. But there are very large ones, such as the combed crocodile, which reaches 6,3 m, as well as very small species, the maximum length of which is from 1,9 to 2,2 m.
The smallest crocodiles in the world, although not large by the standards of this detachment, can still scare with their size, because. their length is comparable to the height of a tall person. Read more about each of them in the article.
- 10 Australian narrow-nosed crocodile, 3m
- 9. New Guinea crocodile, 2,7 m
- 8. African narrow-nosed crocodile, 2,5 m
- 7. Schneider’s smooth-fronted caiman, 2,3 m
- 6. Paraguayan caiman, 2 m
- 5. Broad-faced caiman, 2 m
- 4. Spectacled caiman, 2 m
- 3. Chinese alligator, 2 m
- 2. Smooth-fronted caiman Cuvier, 1,6 m
- 1. Blunt-nosed crocodile, 1,5 m
10 Australian narrow-nosed crocodile, 3m
It is considered small, because males reach a maximum length of two and a half – three meters, for this they need from twenty-five to thirty years. Females are no more than 2,1 m. In some areas, there were individuals whose length was 4 m.
It is brown in color with black stripes on its back. It is not dangerous for a person. Australian narrow-nosed crocodile can bite hard, but the wound is not fatal. Found in fresh waters of Australia. It is believed that it can live for about 20 years.
9. New Guinea crocodile, 2,7 m
This species lives on the island of New Guinea. Its males are quite large, reaching 3,5 m, and females – about 2,7 m. They are gray with a brown tint, the tail is dark in color, with black spots.
new guinea crocodile lives in fresh water, swampy lowlands. Young crocodiles eat small fish and insects, older ones eat snakes, birds, and small mammals.
Active at night, sleeps in burrows during the day, and only occasionally crawls out to bask in the sun. It is hunted by the local population for the meat they eat and the leather from which various products are made.
8. African narrow-nosed crocodile, 2,5 m
They call him narrow-nosed because he has a very narrow muzzle, he lives in Central and West Africa, hence the second part of the name. Its body color can vary from brown to green with a gray tint or almost black. On the tail there are black spots that help him hide.
Average body length African narrow-nosed crocodile from 2,5 m, but in some individuals up to 3-4 m, occasionally they grow up to 4,2 m. Males are slightly larger. Live for about 50 years. For life, rivers with dense vegetation and lakes are chosen.
They feed on small aquatic insects, adults eat shrimp and crabs, catch fish, snakes, and frogs. But the main food is fish, a large narrow muzzle is ideally suited for catching it.
7. Schneider’s smooth-fronted caiman, 2,3 m
Distributed in South America. It is dark brown in color, young crocodiles have dark transverse stripes. It is considered one of the smaller species, because. the length of females is no more than 1,5 m, but usually it is 1,1 m, and adult males are slightly larger – from 1,7 to 2,3 m.
Schneider’s smooth-fronted caiman remembered for its roar, someone compares the sounds made by males with guttural grunts. For life, it chooses cool fast-flowing rivers or streams; it can settle near waterfalls.
Adults often travel between burrows, which are located far from water. There they rest, and along the banks of streams they get their own food, but they can lie in wait for prey in the forest.
Small crocodiles feed on insects, and then begin to hunt birds, fish, reptiles, rodents, porcupines and packas. Itself can be eaten by a larger predator. During the breeding season, they become very aggressive, and can attack people if they get close to their nest.
6. Paraguayan caiman, 2 m
Its other name is caiman piranha, he received it because of the clearly visible teeth that are not hidden in the mouth. As the name implies, it lives in Paraguay, as well as in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia.
It can be of different colors, from light brown to dark chestnut, but transverse dark stripes are also visible against this background. In juveniles, the color is yellowish-green, which helps them to disguise themselves. Lives in rivers, lakes, wetlands.
Males Paraguayan caiman are slightly larger than females. Usually it is no more than 2 m in length, but can grow up to 2,5 – 3 m. They feed on snails, fish, occasionally snakes and rodents. Due to their natural fearfulness, they prefer to avoid large animals.
Caiman can breed if it grows to 1,3 – 1,4 m. The offspring usually hatch in March, incubation lasts up to 100 days. Due to the fact that there is a constant destruction of its habitat and because of poachers, the population is declining. But he is not hunted so often, because. the leather of the Paraguayan caiman is of poor quality, not suitable for making boots and purses.
5. Broad-faced caiman, 2 m
He is also called broad-nosed caiman. It lives in Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina. It has a broad muzzle and is olive in color. Males are slightly larger than females, their average size is two meters, but some individuals grow up to 3,5 m. Females are even smaller, their maximum length is 2 m.
broad-faced caiman leads an aquatic lifestyle, loves mangrove swamps, can settle near human habitation. Eats water snails, fish, amphibians, adult males sometimes prey on capybaras. They have such powerful jaws that they can bite through the shell of a tortoise.
They prefer to lead a nocturnal lifestyle. They hide in water, almost completely immersed in it, leaving only their eyes and nostrils on the surface. They prefer to swallow prey whole, rather than tear it apart.
In the 40-50s of the last century, many hunted them, because. their skin was highly valued, which reduced their numbers. Forests are also polluted and cut down, plantations are expanding. Now it is a protected species.
4. Spectacled caiman, 2 m
Its other name is crocodile caiman. It has a long muzzle narrowed in front. It can be of different lengths, but most males are from 1,8 to 2 m in length, and females do not exceed 1,2 -1,4 m, they weigh from 7 to 40 kg. The biggest spectacled caiman – 2,2 m, and a female – 1,61 m.
Juveniles are yellow in color, covered with black spots and stripes, while adults are usually olive in color. Crocodile caimans are found in Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, etc. It lives in humid lowlands, near water bodies, choosing stagnant water.
Young caimans often hide in floating islands and can carry them over long distances. When there is a period of drought, they burrow into the mud and hibernate. They feed on shellfish, crabs and fish. They are hunted by jaguars, anacondas and other crocodiles.
3. Chinese alligator, 2 m
In the Yangtze River basin, in China, a very rare species lives, of which less than 200 pieces remain in nature. it Chinese alligator yellow with a gray tint, covered with spots on the lower jaw.
Once it lived on a vast territory, but in recent years its range has drastically decreased. The Chinese alligator leads a solitary lifestyle, spending most of the year (about 6-7 months) hibernating. Having survived the winter, he likes to lie in the sun. It is not dangerous for a person.
2. Smooth-fronted caiman Cuvier, 1,6 m
Males Cuvier’s smooth-fronted caiman do not exceed 210 cm, and females do not grow more than 150 cm. Most representatives of this species are no larger than 1,6 m and weigh about 20 kg. They can be found in South America.
For life, shallow areas are chosen, where the current is quite fast, but they can also get used to stagnant water. They are also found in flooded forests.
1. Blunt-nosed crocodile, 1,5 m
The smallest representative of this family, living in West Africa. An adult usually does not grow more than 1,5 m, the largest blunt-nosed crocodile had a length of 1,9 m. It is black, juveniles have brown stripes on the back and yellow spots on the head. It got its name because of its short and blunt muzzle.
It is a secretive animal active at night. It digs huge holes on the shore or in the water, where it lies most of the day or hides in the roots of trees.