Top 10 longest animal pregnancies and features of their birth
Most people are not interested in the animal world and have no idea about its inhabitants. Meanwhile, this is very interesting.
For example, the topic of procreation is one of the most important. That’s just, few people know how this or that animal breeds, how long the pregnancy lasts, what difficulties their childbirth is associated with.
There is an opinion that the time of gestation depends on the size of the animal, this is not entirely true. There are many more factors that have a direct impact on it. Below is a ranking of the longest animal pregnancies.
- 10 Man, 38 – 42 weeks (275 days)
- 9. Cow, 240 to 311 days
- 8. Roe deer, 264 to 318 days
- 7. Horse, 335 – 340 days
- 6. Asian and African buffalo, 300 – 345 days
- 5. Domestic donkey, 360 – 390 days
- 4. Bactrian camel, 360 – 440 days
- 3. Badger, 400 – 450 days
- 2. Giraffe, 14-15 months old
- 1. Elephant, almost 2 years (19 – 22 months)
10 Man, 38 – 42 weeks (275 days)
Perhaps someone will be surprised when they see that this list is headed by people, woman. There is nothing surprising here, it belongs to the animal kingdom for a number of reasons.
Human babies spend about 9 months in the womb. By week 15, a special organ is formed in the mother’s body – the placenta, where the embryo is located. Through it, oxygen and nutrients enter his body, and waste products are also excreted.
The child is born fully formed, but absolutely helpless. Standard weight is from 2,8 to 4 kilograms. It will take more than one month for the baby to learn to hold his head, roll over, sit down, walk. All this time the child needs a mother who will take care of him.
9. Cow, 240 to 311 days
Pregnancy cow lasts a little longer. This condition is called pregnancy, the duration of the period can vary from 240 to 311 days.
Two months before the birth, veterinarians recommend transferring the cow to dead wood, that is, not milking. For the last couple of months, the fetus has been actively growing, it needs more and more nutrients. At this time, milk becomes less and less.
The average weight of newborn calves is 30 kilograms. Literally immediately after birth, the calf is able to stand on its feet, although at first it also needs help.
During the first two weeks, the animal will adapt and become more independent.
8. Roe deer, 264 to 318 days
As a rule, the rut (mating period) of roe deer takes place in the summer. Pregnancy lasts 9 – 10 months. Of this period, 4,5 months falls on the latent period. The egg cell goes through the first stage of crushing and is delayed in development until the onset of winter.
Surprisingly, if roe could not get pregnant in the summer, she can “catch up” in the winter, but then there will be no latent period. Pregnancy will last only 5 months.
Most often, 2 cubs are born, much less often 1 or 3, the weight does not exceed 1,3 kilograms.
The first week, newborn animals remain in the same place where they were born. Within a week they start walking. At the age of 1-3 months, roe deer cubs are able to feed on their own.
7. Horse, 335 – 340 days
Duration of pregnancy Horse is 11 months, although there may be exceptions. Usually one foal is born. If the fetus is correctly located in the uterus, human participation is not required.
Often situations arise when a horse cannot give birth on its own, then you need to use the services of a veterinarian.
A newborn foal after all hygiene procedures is left next to the mother. After 40 minutes, he can stand on his feet. The weight of a newborn foal is from 40 to 60 kilograms.
At first, the horse and her cub should be together, as he eats very often. The number of feedings can reach 50 times a day. The horse and her cub are recommended to be separated no earlier than six months later.
6. Asian and African buffalo, 300 – 345 days
Asian buffaloes breed regardless of the time of year, African – only during the rainy season. Pregnancy lasts 10 – 11 months.
African and Asian buffalo (newborn) differs in color, the first is black, the second is yellow-brown. Their weight ranges from 40 to 60 kilograms.
Usually one is born. A few minutes after giving birth, the buffalo can follow the mother. The female feeds her cub up to 6 – 9 months.
5. Domestic donkey, 360 – 390 days
У domestic donkeys the breeding season usually occurs from February to July. The female bears the cub for more than a year. One individual is born.
A newborn domestic donkey is well developed, but you should not rush and separate him from his mother. Animals need mother’s milk for up to 8 months, during this period it is necessary to teach the little donkey to eat from the parent feeder. Their weight is from 8 to 16 kilograms.
Donkeys are very stubborn animals. There are many stories when people tried to separate a donkey and her cub, but the consequences were not very good. Violent resistance from both sides is provided. Therefore, it is better to wait a bit and not rush into excommunication. Moreover, young animals will not be capable of hard work for a long time.
4. Bactrian camel, 360 – 440 days
In these animals, the rut occurs in the fall. In this period bactrian camels behave very aggressively and can cause severe harm to other animals and people.
Pregnancy is long: 13 – 14 months, usually singleton. Twins are rare, but such pregnancies usually end in miscarriage.
The weight of a newborn baby camel can vary from 36 to 45 kilograms. Two hours after birth, he is able to follow his mother. The female feeds the cub with milk for about six months, although lactation lasts up to 1,5 years.
3. Badger, 400 – 450 days
The breeding season is from February to October. Pregnancy lasts up to 450 days (15 months). The number of cubs is from one to four, the weight of a newborn badger does not exceed 80 grams.
The first five weeks they are absolutely helpless. Only at the age of 35 – 40 days do badgers open their eyes. For four months they feed on breast milk, although at three months they are able to eat other foods. Little badgers spend their first hibernation with their mother.
Interesting fact: Badgers prepare in advance for the appearance of offspring. They live in burrows and make special nests – a kind of children’s room. Animals line them with dry grass. When the offspring grows up, they dig another hole.
2. Giraffe, 14-15 months old
Conception occurs during the rainy season. Little ones are born giraffes in dry weather. Pregnancy lasts a very long time, up to 15 months. Females give birth while standing or, surprisingly, even while walking. Usually one individual is born, rarely there are twins.
The weight of a newborn giraffe is about 65 kilograms, and the height can reach 2 meters. During childbirth, the animal falls from a height, after 15 minutes it can get up.
Of course, at first, a little giraffe needs a mother. The cub stays next to her for up to 12 – 14 months, depending on the sex.
1. Elephant, almost 2 years (19 – 22 months)
Elephants breed regardless of the time of year and weather conditions. Elephants have the longest pregnancy – almost 2 years.
Usually one baby elephant is born. When the time comes to give birth, the female moves away from the herd. Surprisingly, at this moment she is accompanied by a “midwife”. Childbirth takes another elephant.
A newborn baby elephant immediately gets on its feet, its weight is about 120 kilograms. The first 4 years the animal will not be able to do without a mother. Elephants can breastfeed for up to 5 years, although they usually switch to solid food much earlier.
Young elephants leave the herd when they are 12 years old, female elephants stay here for life.