Top 10 Guard Dogs
Despite modern technology that guarantees protection at home, guard dogs are still in demand. And not everyone can afford system equipment, because it is not cheap. From time immemorial, a dog has been a true friend of man, it will follow its owner into fire and water, and it will also protect housing from unwanted intruders. Regardless of breed, a watchdog must be hardy, live in all weather conditions outdoors in a booth, and be well trained. Based on this, you need to choose a dog to protect property.
The breeds that you will learn about from our list have all the necessary characteristics for protecting the house. Let’s find out the names.
10 Doberman
Country of origin: Germany
Lifespan: 10-14 years
Doberman – an amazing dog that combines high intelligence, grace and strength. You can cooperate with Dobermans, make friends – the latter is a priority for a dog. The Doberman is very devoted to his family, and since he has a very strong bond with the household, guarding the premises becomes his main task.
Experts believe that the sooner you start training a Doberman, the better. The dog must be socialized from an early age, then it will grow up loyal and not aggressive. Dobermans do not think for a long time what to do with intruders – they quickly react to them and attack.
9. Sharpe
Country of origin: China
Lifespan: 10-12 years
Despite the funny appearance, shar pei can give odds to any other guard breed! The Chinese breed is known for numerous folds on the skin, because of which it looks awkward. But funny folds do not prevent Shar Pei from being hardy and dexterous.
Once the Shar Pei was exclusively a hunting dog – he served as a watchman and protected the herds. But today they forgot about their fighting qualities, and began to wind up rather for fun. The advantages of this breed lie in devotion, calm nature and they are always vigilant, so thieves cannot go unnoticed.
8. Russian black terrier
Country of origin: the USSR
Lifespan: 10-11 years
Black Russian Terrier – the breed is relatively young. Work on breeding began in the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel after the end of the war. Then several dogs of different breeds were brought from Europe, and they became the ancestors of the terrier.
This breed is widespread in the world of literature. It is impossible not to pay attention to a completely unique breed. The Terrier is very hardy, has good health. The Black Terrier is a dog of only one owner, she is loyal, but vicious and distrustful of strangers. It is best to take a Russian Terrier at a young age and start training right away.
7. German Shepherd
Country of origin: Germany
Lifespan: 10-13 years
This breed is known all over the world, especially it is known from the series “Commissioner Rex”. Santo vom Haus Ziegelmeier was chosen for the role of the police dog. At that time he was only 17 months old. Despite such a young age, Santo beat the competition and got one of the main roles in a detective series.
The breed appreciates not only the excellent external data of the shepherd dog – it is also very powerful, hardy, unpretentious to temperature changes and quickly learns. German Shepherd does not think about the decision for a long time – she quickly analyzes the situation and acts. Just what you need for a guard dog.
6. tibetan mastiff
Country of origin: Tibet
Lifespan: 10-11 years
This handsome giant cannot leave anyone indifferent. tibetan mastiff not recommended for those who are just starting their knowledge of dog breeding – the dog requires competent socialization and tremendous patience. Therefore, not everyone is in a hurry to start it.
Tibetan mastiffs are not the kind of dogs that will obediently sit on a chain. They love to communicate, and always come to the owner for attention. The Mastiff has an incredible intelligence and independence. Representatives of the breed are reputed to be fearless defenders – the way it is. They will never leave their owner in trouble. The dog tends to constantly control the territory, and always warns of suspicious faces circling near the house.
5. South Russian Shepherd
Country of origin: Russia
Lifespan: 9-11 years
Here is a rare and almost exclusive breed, the development of which was adversely affected by commercial breeding. This breed was used in the late 20s and early 30s in order to protect the territory. They guarded sheepfolds and houses.
South Russian Shepherd has endurance and energy, has a high degree of reaction. Shepherd is very distrustful of strangers, and her behavior is often called unpredictable and even aggressive. If you take a small dog and raise him, he will become an excellent guard and a reliable friend.
4. Moscow watchdog
Country of origin: Russia
Lifespan: 9-12 years
The name of the dog speaks for itself – Moscow watchdog designed to protect the house from intruders and protect their owners. The animal was bred to protect the territory. She is a devoted protector of the whole family and is easy to train.
All representatives of the breed are distinguished by courage, intelligence, activity and unpretentiousness. The Moscow watchdog does not trust outsiders and quickly learns new commands. This breed gets along well with all family members, including children.
3. Caucasian Shepherd Dog
Country of origin: Russia
Lifespan: 10-11 years
Among dog breeders Caucasian Shepherd Dog enjoys particular popularity. If you want to know about the nightmare of all thieves and bandits, it is in front of you. Despite the rather soft and even harmless appearance, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog has a formidable character.
A dog of this breed is devoted to only one owner, and is always ready to protect him. Unique breed indicators along with excellent endurance make it possible to keep this animal even in harsh conditions – including in the northern regions. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is calm, but at the same time it has a developed defensive reaction.
2. Rottweiler
Country of origin: Germany
Lifespan: 11-12 years
Appearances are deceptive. This also applies to the Rottweiler. Tough on the outside but soft on the inside rottweiler is able to establish deep relationships with his master, distinguishing him from other household members. Needs a strong mentor – if a Rottweiler is brought in by a person who is not versed in dog breeding, he may have a lot of problems on the path of education.
The impressive size and formidable appearance make passers-by shun the dog – the same applies to thieves. The dog has a good memory, so it needs proper education. If a Rottweiler lives at home, you can not worry about your property – he is an excellent protector.
1. Of course
Country of origin: the USSR
Lifespan: 12-15 years
Alabai – a name common among people, but breeders call this dog differently – the Central Asian Shepherd Dog. This breed is not a fighting one, but it perfectly performs security functions and is always ready to protect all household members from intruders.
Alabai, somewhat wayward by nature, does not always listen to commands – first he thinks about the situation, evaluates the expediency of actions, and only then decides whether to follow the order or not. Experts advise entrusting Alabai training to professionals – if gaps in education are allowed, this can turn out negatively for the owners themselves.
Interesting fact: since ancient times, alabai have helped protect homes and nomadic peoples from wolves and other predators. Today there is no such need, but the alabai is still relevant as a hunting dog.