Top 10 biggest wolves in the world

Top 10 biggest wolves in the world

Wolves are amazing predatory animals that belong to the canine class. In this family, they are considered the largest. Scientists have long proven the fact that the wolf is the ancestor of the dog. Presumably, they were previously domesticated by humans. They live in completely different areas. There are especially many of them in Eurasia, America.

Currently, the number of these animals has been greatly reduced due to mass extermination. And in some regions you will not meet them at all. Hunting them is prohibited and punishable by law.

Wolves are killed due to the death of livestock. He can attack a person if necessary. But in nature they are of great benefit. Thanks to them, the gene pool is constantly improving.

In this article, we will look at what the largest wolves in the world are.

10 Siberian tundra wolf

Top 10 biggest wolves in the world Several subspecies tundra wolf lives even in Russia. They were first described by Arthur Kerr in 1872. They are considered quite large because of their voluminous fur, which gives the impression that the animal is large.

Such wolves live in harsh arctic conditions. For example, in Western Siberia, Yakutia. Can be found in open areas. But in most cases it depends on the placement of food for them.

Tundra wolves live in packs. The male is the leader of the entire group. Older individuals look much darker in winter, and fade and become lighter in spring. It feeds on animals of medium size – arctic foxes, hares, foxes, rodents.

9. Caucasian wolf

Top 10 biggest wolves in the world Caucasian wolf has a dark color, most often it is of medium size. It is worth noting that it is these animals that value a strict hierarchy. They are aggressive towards other subspecies.

Only strong and healthy individuals stay in a group. The she-wolf, along with the male, takes care of her cubs. They teach them about life. At the same time, they can both reward for something and punish.

Currently, the Caucasian wolf is on the verge of extinction. Various artiodactyl animals serve as prey, for example, deer, wild boars, rams. But quietly they use small rodents and squirrels for food.

8. Red Wolf

Top 10 biggest wolves in the world

Red Wolf considered a separate subspecies of the gray wolf. But sometimes it is also considered an independent species. Some scientists claim that it arose as a result of the hybridization of a gray wolf and a simple coyote. But even now there is controversy about this. If so, it happened about a few thousand years ago.

They live in the USA, Pennsylvania. In the 20th century, their mass extermination began, so the wolves were on the verge of life and death. Their habitat has also been noticeably reduced. Later it was revealed that all species became extinct, except for those in nurseries and zoos. But since 1988, scientists have been working to return them to nature.

It is believed that the red wolf is quite slender, but the ears and legs are much longer than those of other species of these animals. The color of the fur is different – from brown to gray and even black.

It is red mostly in winter. Very often they were seen in the forests, but mostly they are nocturnal. They keep in small flocks. They do not show any aggression towards each other.

In most cases, small rodents, as well as rabbits and raccoons, get into food. Very rarely they can attack a deer or a wild boar. They feed on berries and carrion. It is worth noting that it is this species that often becomes food for other wolves.

Currently listed in the Red Book. For some time they were exterminated due to the disappearance of livestock. After the restoration of popularization, they appeared in the wild in North Carolina.

7. Canadian black wolf

Top 10 biggest wolves in the world canadian wolf considered one of the largest. Its weight is about 105 kg. It is often called “black or white wolf».

He is quite agile and very hardy. It can easily chase its prey through deep snow. It has thick fur that protects even in the most severe frosts (-40).

Initially, people saw them in the USA, in the east, northeast. But closer to the thirties, they were completely destroyed. Remained only slightly in Alaska.

Some are now in the national park under state protection. Their flocks in nature are quite small. In autumn and winter they gather to hunt large animals – deer, wild boars. They can easily cope with weakened coyotes, bears.

6. polar arctic wolf

Top 10 biggest wolves in the world polar arctic wolf so named because its habitat is north of the Arctic Circle. These predators have well developed paws and jaws.

Because of the woolen cover, some become an object for fishing. Outwardly, it looks more like a simple dog than a wolf. The color is most often white with a slight silvery tint. The ears are small but sharp.

The legs are rather large and muscular. Quietly fall through the snow, but perform the function of snowshoes. Currently, it can be seen in Alaska, as well as in the northern regions of Russia.

It feeds on hares, birds, frogs, forest moss, as well as deer, beetles, various berries. In winter, only deer are pursued. Literally follow them on their heels. Many species now live in zoos. They create the necessary conditions for life and reproduction.

5. Red Wolf

Top 10 biggest wolves in the world Red Wolf considered a fairly rare representative of predatory animals. It is currently an endangered species. Found many times in Central and Southeast Asia. There is no reliable information about their origin. But presumably, the ancestor is a marten. Distinguishes from others – bright red color of wool.

Adults have a brighter hue, while older ones are paler. Can be seen in national zoos. Perfectly live on rocks and in caves. They feed on small rodents, hares, raccoons, wild boars, deer.

4. Horny wolf

Top 10 biggest wolves in the world Horny wolf – one of the largest representatives of canines. Lives in South America. It has a rather unique and unusual appearance. It looks like a fox, the body is short, but the legs are high.

The coat is soft, yellowish-reddish in color. Prefers open grassy plains where it is possible to observe. It usually comes out at night. It hunts small animals – rabbits, reptiles, ducks, insects.

Wolves make a slightly unusual howl that can only be heard after sunset. It is currently under threat of extinction.

3. Tasmanian marsupial wolf

Top 10 biggest wolves in the world The first to see marsupial wolf became the peoples of Australia. They are considered quite ancient. Many were exterminated by people, and some died from diseases.

He ate various game, sometimes ruined bird nests. Most often he preferred to be in the forests and mountains. It was possible to see this amazing animal only at night, during the day they hid or slept. They always gathered in small flocks.

In 1999, scientists decided to clone this wolf species. During the experiment, the DNA of a puppy was taken, which was stored in the museum. But the samples turned out to be unsuitable for work.

2. Melville Island Wolf

Top 10 biggest wolves in the world island melville wolf lives in North America. They only hunt in packs. They prefer deer and musk oxen. But they can eat hares and small rodents.

During severe frosts they hide in ledges of caves and rocks. It lives where you can least see a person, which is why it is not considered extinct.

1. Gray wolf

Top 10 biggest wolves in the world Gray wolf – the largest representative of the canine genus. This is a very beautiful and strong animal. At the same time very smart. Currently can be seen in North America, Asia.

Quietly live close to people. They feed on deer, hares, mice, ground squirrels, foxes and sometimes livestock.

They prefer to go out only at night. They emit a loud howl, thanks to which it can be heard even at great distances.

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