Tips for choosing the right dog size

Tips for choosing the right dog size

When it comes to choosing the right size dog for you and your family, there are many factors to consider. How to choose the right breed for you? Dog size matters and should not be taken lightly: it is important for the dog, for you as a pet owner, and for your entire family. Since a lot of problems can arise from the wrong choice, we recommend that you consider these points before taking home your new four-legged friend.

Home and yard size

As a rule, the larger the dog, the more space will be needed for its comfortable accommodation, which, in general, is logical. Imagine what it would be like to be in a cramped room where you can barely move. Although some giant breeds are not very active on their own and can do without a yard of several hundred square meters, they still need enough space to move around the house without knocking over furniture or crashing into walls. For example, the mastiff is huge, but its exercise requirements are quite low, according to Vetstreet. However, a small but very active dog would benefit from a fenced yard, even if he needs minimal space inside your home. City dwellers who live in not very spacious apartments should consider smaller dogs, but they will definitely need to find a local dog park or playground where their new pet can expend energy.

Tips for choosing the right dog size


What breeds of dogs are suitable for children? The size of the dog you decide to get depends a lot on your children. An oversized dog can inadvertently injure small children by knocking them over or even stepping on them. On the other hand, children can inadvertently harm smaller, more fragile dogs. Many small breeds are also not a good choice for homes with children due to their temperament. Vetstreet notes that, for example, Chihuahuas are not always tolerant of children. Larger dogs are more hardy and tend to be more sociable. But regardless of size, all interactions between dogs and children should be supervised by adults.

Other factors

The size of the home and the presence of children are the most important things to consider when choosing the right size dog, but there are other things to think about. By and large, the larger the dog, the more money you will spend on its food. Of course, this may not be the deciding factor, but for pet owners on a budget, it can be an important consideration. Veterinary bills are also usually much higher for large dogs because they need higher doses of medications for treatment.

Also think about play time. Small dogs tend to stay active much longer than their larger counterparts. Although there are very active small breeds, such as small shepherd dogs and terriers, a large dog is more suitable as a company for hiking, jogging and cycling. Toys, beds and aviaries can be of different sizes, but are quite comparable in price. However, they can take up much more space in your apartment or house, which should also be considered when choosing a dog size or breed.

Believe it or not, the size of the vehicle also needs to be considered when considering what size dog to get. If you try to cram a Great Dane into a Mini Cooper, you’ll quickly realize that it’s simply not possible. You want your dog to be safe and comfortable if you take him on a trip, even if it’s just a trip to the veterinary clinic.

If you’re looking for a dog to cuddle with in bed at night, you should also consider what part of the bed you’re willing to give up. Sometimes it can seem that small dogs somehow surprisingly take up much more space on the bed than they need for their size. But this is nothing compared to a larger breed dog. In this case, you may not need a blanket because your furry buddy will provide you with all the warmth you need.

Whatever you decide, it’s important to bring home a dog of the right size so that everyone is comfortable in their new surroundings. Knowing in advance what size dog you are getting, whether it is a puppy or an adult dog, you will be able to prepare everything necessary for it. Size is one of the many characteristics you should consider before getting your four-legged friend. At the end of the day, of course, you want to give yourself and your dog a happy and healthy life.

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