The rarest dog breeds
- Where is this?
- Azawakh
- Lagotto Romagnolo
- Otterhound
- Pumi
- Kooikerhondie
- finnish spitz
- Italian spinone
- Thai Ridgeback
- norwegian lundehund
- Stabihun
- Leopard dog
- Hovawart
- swedish walhund
- Xoloitckuintli
- Smooth-faced Pyrenean Shepherd
- Peruvian Inca Orchid
- Bedlington terrier
- Biewer Yorkshire Terrier
- Czech Terrier
- Chinook
- Dandie Dinmont Terrier
- english foxhound
- Afghan hound
- Moody
- Tibetan mastiff
- Jamen coolie
- Estrel Sheepdog
- Catalburun
- Sapsari
- Torniak
- Phunsan
- Telomian
- Slawi
- Golden dox
Where is this?
Recognized as one of the rarest, oldest and purest indigenous Japanese breed. Traditionally, its representatives were used for hunting in the mountains. Kai Inu has a dense, muscular build, sharp ears, dark, often brown hair with yellow stripes. This is a very smart dog, and also a faithful and devoted companion. She is known for her ability to climb trees. It is disposed to training, which is better to start from childhood.

Where is this?
The breed was bred in Africa, the Sahel region, to protect the wigwams of nomads roaming the deserts. Long-legged, tall and elegant, the Azawakh hound has a beautiful coat of various colors, a harmonious physique and graceful movements. Borzoi detects prey thanks to a highly developed sense of smell and a keen eye. She has independence and restraint, as well as a non-playful character, but she shows affection to her master and becomes an excellent companion.

Lagotto Romagnolo
The oldest water retriever in the world. Born in medieval Italy, the Lagotto traditionally retrieved ducks from swamps by luring them with the white tip of its tail. Thanks to his keen sense of smell and waterproof coat, as well as his skills as a hunter, he has been involved in hunting waterfowl for centuries. Now the dog is getting truffles. It has a strong, proportionally folded body, covered with fluffy curly hair. The main colors are white, brown, gray, with spots of the same shades. Playful by nature and easy to train.

Lagotto Romagnolo
The rarest aboriginal breed from the UK, currently under great threat of extinction. It was bred back in the Middle Ages to protect the fishing industry from annoying otters (hence its name). Thanks to its webbed paws, it is an excellent hunter both on land and in water. This large, good-natured animal has a powerful neck, a long tail and broad muscular paws. Known for its amazing hair and friendliness, this bloodhound has a sensitive and calm nature and will make a great companion for a lone owner.

A distinctive feature of the representatives of this Hungarian shepherd breed are highly protruding ears with a hanging tip and curly hair. The muzzle of the pumi looks square due to the peculiar growth of hair, and the owner of the stuffed and dense cover looks a little gloomy due to the characteristic eyebrows. This is a responsible and serious worker, able to herd a whole herd of sheep, and at the same time a mischievous and cheerful dog, devoted to the owner.

An interesting breed of dog is this spaniel, originally from the Netherlands. Initially, the koikerhondje was intended for hunting waterfowl, which he lured with the white tip of his tail. This is a rather small sports dog with white and red hair and a dewy long tail. One of the main recognizable features is the long black hair at the tips of the ears, the so-called earrings. It has a good-natured disposition and watchdog skills. Agile and alert sporting dog.

finnish spitz
A red fox-faced hunting dog breed, nicknamed the “barking bird dog”. Its roots go back to dark red native dogs from the territory of Finland and present-day Karelia. The Finnish Spitz is characterized by will and intelligence, as well as sonorous barking at everything that the dog considers unusual. Great pet for the whole family.

finnish spitz
Italian spinone
Dogs of a hunting breed from the Piedmont region in Italy. Spinones have incredible stamina, a charming scruffy appearance, and a sweet nature. Strong and muscular, they possess the skill of a hunter – they point to the game with their muzzle and pull the birds out of the water. In a homely atmosphere, they are calm, friendly and obedient.

Italian spinone
Thai Ridgeback
Until recently, this breed was almost unknown outside of its native country. In addition to Thailand, the habitat of its representatives is Indonesia and Vietnam. Ridgeback is very mobile and active, has impressive jumping abilities. Another distinguishing feature is the comb of wool along the spine, growing in the opposite direction. It usually has one of four (red, black, blue, vanilla pink) solid colors. Smart and tactful dog, a great friend for the whole family.

Thai Ridgeback
norwegian lundehund
Recognized as one of the rarest dog breeds due to its unique characteristics. Originating from the islands off the coast of Norway, it is adapted for hunting puffins along coastal cliffs. The agile Norwegian has developed the perfect skills for climbing rocky cliffs: six toes on each front paw, adjustable ears and a flexible neck, turning which the dog can touch the spine. This northern hunting dog has a wild-type coat with white-red, sometimes even crimson coloration with black blotches. Thanks to her cheerful and affectionate nature, she has become an ideal pet for active families.

norwegian lundehund
Comes from the Dutch province of Friesland. Initially, representatives of this breed lived on farms and were used for draft work. They also demonstrated their skills as swimmers and duck hunters. The coat is usually black and white or white and brown, interspersed, forming a collar on the chest, a dewlap on the tail and feathering on the back of the legs. Smart and sociable dog is easy to train. For its affectionate character and devotion, it is loved by breeders.

Leopard dog
A versatile working dog that combines strength with agility and endurance. The origin of this breed, also called Catahoula, goes back to the puppies of Spanish settlers and Indians. Beautiful brown spots on short hair, reminiscent of the color of a leopard, make it different from others and recognizable.

Leopard dog
A strong dog originally from Germany is simply designed for security, guard, as well as rescue and search work. It has a strong and muscular body, a powerful head and strong paws, elongated hair on the abdomen. Hovawart is characterized by a stable disposition and excellent protective instinct, he is not aggressive towards people and becomes a good companion.

swedish walhund
The smart and energetic native of Sweden belongs to the herding breed, has a thick fluffy coat and a lust for life. It is believed that once the Valchunds accompanied the Viking ships. A loyal and energetic pet gets along well with adults, children and animals. Family find!

swedish walhund
Once a favorite animal of the Aztecs, today the Xolo is on the list of rare dogs. Despite the reputation of being “hairless”, for which it is also called the Mexican hairless, the dog can have different types of coat. This is one of the oldest dog breeds on the planet. Known as a loving friend for the whole family and a vigilant watchman.

Smooth-faced Pyrenean Shepherd
A hard-working herding breed descended from ancient sheepdogs from the harsh French Pyrenees. These shepherd dogs have an athletic build, coat is either long or medium length. The color of the coat is varied: there are gray, striped, yellowish-brown and marble-blue colors. Affectionate and cute dog, because of its restlessness and loud barking, is not intended for life in an apartment, but in the house it will become a real helper and protector.

Smooth-faced Pyrenean Shepherd
Peruvian Inca Orchid
The breed, otherwise known as the “Peruvian Hairless Dog”, includes agile and intelligent greyhounds from the mountains of South America. They have a tuft on their heads – a small patch of wool on a bald crown, a kind of distinguishing feature. Also, contrary to the name, Peruvians are completely covered with wool. They do not like strangers and are wonderful watchmen.

Peruvian Inca Orchid
Bedlington terrier
Representatives of this breed were originally bred for hard work in the mines. Rare in most countries outside the UK. Outwardly, they look like white curly lambs, but they are very brave in temperament and do not let themselves be offended. These cute and cuddly dogs are brilliant housemates, vigilant watchdogs, versatile athletes and irresistible family pets.

Bedlington terrier
Biewer Yorkshire Terrier
The Biewer Yorkshire Terrier joined the most unusual dog breeds in 1988. A distinctive feature of the young breed is an elegant long coat, more like human hair. The color of these rare purebred dogs is dominated by three colors: black, white and red. The Biewer Yorkie is known for its friendliness, playfulness and energy, making it an excellent family pet.

Biewer Yorkshire Terrier
Czech Terrier
This breed of dog was bred in Czechoslovakia in 1948 to hunt animals living in holes. Their main features are short legs, as well as a long head, bushy eyebrows, mustache and beard. This pet has a curly and silky coat. Intelligent and curious, the Czech Terrier is a great family companion who enjoys long walks in the great outdoors.

Czech Terrier
The American breed of dog, designed for sled work, appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. Chinook was created as an alternative to the husky, he absorbed his best qualities: strength, stamina, adaptability to low temperatures. Chinook is a muscular working dog, very strong and hardy, loving exercise and active movement.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier
How the breed was bred in Scotland for the needs of farm life – for example, for catching rodents, and then hunting for burrowing animals. The ancestors of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier are Scottish Terriers. A small dog with a unique appearance and habits of a hunter gets along well in an urban environment and is popular with breeders for its good disposition and cheerfulness.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier
english foxhound
The most famous English breed of hounds, used primarily for hunting. And although they are gentle and sociable, they are not intended for the urban environment – a fast and powerful dog needs regular training and high physical exertion. But it will become an excellent partner for the owner on a hike and on a bike ride.

english foxhound
Afghan hound
This one of the rarest dog breeds in the world immediately attracts attention: loose curls, tall stature and wise eyes. This ancient breed looks like canine royalty and behaves just as nobly. The Afghan Hound is a hound dog, so it can break loose and follow its instincts. She is cold-blooded towards strangers and has her own opinion.

Afghan hound
Representatives of this breed, although “capricious” in name, are actually cheerful and very active. The Hungarian Cattle Dog is medium in size and well built. The body of the pointed-eared animal is covered with wavy hair, and the pet itself has high intelligence and agility. An excellent companion and effective watchdog.

Tibetan mastiff
A rare large dog, genetically similar to wolves, is especially popular in China. This breed is valued for the mind and unsurpassed qualities of a guard inherent in its carriers. During the day he prefers to sleep, and at night he is active. Can be quite stubborn and sensitive to changes in his environment. Attentive towards family members, kind to children.

Tibetan mastiff
Jamen coolie
Farmers in Australia worked on the appearance of this breed, who wanted to breed the perfect shepherd dog. The result is a strong and hardy, independent decision-making dog. It is medium in size, with blue, red, black or merle coat. This obedient dog is a wonderful friend for the whole family and a guardian for children.

Jamen coolie
Estrel Sheepdog
The dog breed, named after the mountains, is extremely rare outside of Portugal. The coat of large dogs is both long and short, in color black, fawn, shaded red are more common. It has a calm disposition, among family members chooses one owner – the most attentive towards himself.

Estrel Sheepdog
Catalburun can be ranked among the strangest dog breeds due to its forked nose. This rare hound from Turkey is recognized as one of the best in the search business. It has a loose but strong build, thick skin and short, close-fitting coat, usually two colors. This pointer has an excellent sense of smell and great stamina, so he needs ample opportunities for exercise, a spacious area. Calm and friendly companion for a person.

Catalburun – Source: petsandanimals.net
An ancient breed of dog from Korea, which is a cult for the Koreans themselves. According to legend, they have special mystical abilities that help protect the master’s house from evil spirits. They have a long thick coat of blue, gray, yellow or brown colors and their shades. They have a strong physique and large paws, the tail is twisted on the back. Suspicious of strangers, devoted to the owner.

Shepherd breed, bred in the Balkan countries – Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Croatia. Large and powerful, almost square in shape, the tornjac usually has a two- or three-color cover with a predominance of white. Around his head he has a long mane of wool, and on his hind legs – shaggy “pants”. The dog is serious, balanced, calm, but when threatened, it reacts quickly and is ready for battle.

Dogs of this rare breed from the DPRK are adapted to the highlands where they come from. They are strong and agile, and can display the hunting habits of their ancestors, the North Korean wolves. Usually they are white in color, their coat is thick, their ears are pricked. This smart dog is considered a devoted friend to the owner.

It is considered the only Malaysian breed that has spread outside its homeland. The dogs of this rare breed were originally bred as hunting assistants and home guards. The constitution of such dogs is powerful, but dry, strong and thick tail. An athletic and intelligent dog is considered an excellent watchman and obedient pet.

Telomian – Source: doggiedesigner.com
One of the rarest dog breeds, which is unlikely to be found in Russia, is also called the “Arab Greyhound”. They are flexible and fast hounds designed for hunting game in the deserts of North Africa. Due to their nature, they need regular active walks and space for running, so they are better suited for a private home. They keep a distance from strangers, are restrained, but to the owners they are loyal and gentle.

Sloughy – Source: petguide.com
Golden dox
Created by crossing a golden retriever and a dachshund, this hybrid breed is also rare. From one predecessor got long hair, and from the second – an elongated body. At the same time sweet and energetic, the dog needs active games, she is grateful to the owners for the time spent together.

Golden Docks – Source: doglime.com
26 May 2021
Updated: 26 May 2021