The place of a cat in the house: how much is needed and how to organize it
How much space do you need for a cat in an apartment? Will the pet be able to live in the studio or does she need a lot of space? Surprisingly, these animals will be able to adapt to almost any place. The main thing is to be in a loving family.
How to organize a place for a cat – later in the article.
Cats’ favorite places: what pets need
It’s hard to believe, but even an apartment of 28 sq. m can be spacious enough for a cat. However, although the pet does not need a lot of space, you need to make sure that the space allocated to it adequately meets its needs.
Cat food place
Pets like to eat in silence, away from crowded places and, more importantly, away from their toilet. You can put the food bowl against the wall in the kitchen or under the table. Another option is to place the cat’s dinette on the kitchen countertop. In this case, it is necessary to make this place safe and hygienic for both the family and the furry friend. It is extremely important to keep human food out of the reach of the animal, in particular foods that can be especially toxic to the cat.
It should be a place that will be easy to clean up, because there will often be a little after-dinner mess.
A place for a cat to sleep
Most likely, the cat will want to sleep in the owner’s bed, but it is also recommended to arrange a separate sleeping place for her. For example, choose a bed with flexible sides. It can be easily placed in a small space, such as in a closet, under a bed or on a free bookshelf. Cats like to curl up and hide in small spaces that no one walks around. So you can arrange a cozy place for the cat to relax, saving on living space.
If you do not want to spend extra money, you can make a do-it-yourself cat bed from soft blankets or even old sweaters.
Tray space
Like their owners, cats prefer privacy and easy access when it comes to toileting. For these purposes, you should choose a quiet, convenient place in the apartment – for example, a bathroom, a pantry, or perhaps an empty cabinet or shelf at floor level, if they are well ventilated. The tray must be kept away from the eating area. Like all of us, cats do not like to eat where they urinate. If the pet will live in a large apartment or private house, if possible, several trays should be placed.
What places do cats like: games
Once you have determined where to eat, sleep, and rest, you can think about how to set up your playground. Play and exercise are very important for a cat’s health and, fortunately, do not require much space. In the end, she will have fun playing with even a simple paper ball. You can allocate a small basket for your cat’s favorite toys, which will be easy to remove if guests come.
Sharpening claws is a natural feline instinct. So that the pet does not use furniture for these purposes, it is better to provide her with a suitable alternative. Cat trees and posts may be too big or bulky for a small apartment, but you can make your own scratching post out of rugs or sturdy cardboard.
Several cats in small apartments
Having a couple of cats is great because they will be able to keep each other company, but it is important to understand whether the owners have enough resources to cope with several pets at once.
It is important to remember that even the trays will have to be cleaned twice as often. Although the ASPCA recommends that each cat have its own litter box, two cats can use one if there is not enough room in the house to put one for each. However, it is important to clean it at least once a day or even more often.
Rationally using the available living space, you can comfortably get along with a new fluffy family member
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