The fastest turtle in the world

The fastest turtle in the world

The fastest turtle in the world

The Guinness Book of Records has a special section for the achievements of representatives of the terrestrial fauna. The fastest turtle in the world has also been awarded its page. The reptile is kept by the Calcini couple. She currently resides in the North East of England at Durham Amusement Park, founded by her owners.

Marco Calcini says that Berti was given to him because of the move of the previous owners. The exact age of the animal is unknown. Watching the pet, the man noticed that he was moving with unusual agility for his kind.

Bertie the leopard tortoise can travel 27 cm in just a second.

Motivating the reptile with his favorite delicacy – strawberries, Marco conducted a series of experiments and confirmed his guesses that Bertie’s speed significantly exceeds the Charlie turtle’s championship recorded in 1977. In 2014, the family invited a panel of experts to officially testify to the superiority of the pet.

The previous record was at the Tickhill Turtle Championship. To measure running performance, Bertie had to set up a course with a 1 in 12 slope so that the running conditions of both reptiles were identical. Pet Calcini overcame a track 5,48 m long in 19,59 seconds. in the presence of two coaches from the Sunderland Athletics Foundation and a veterinarian. It took the previous record holder 43,7 seconds.

The speed of the fastest turtle in the world is 0,99 km/h.

Video: the speed of the fastest turtle in the world

The fastest turtle in the world

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