The dog sneezes. What to do?

The dog sneezes. What to do?

The dog sneezes. What to do?

If your dog sneezes after looking for a toy under the bed or after running through the bushes for a cat, this is normal, in this situation, sneezing should be considered as a defense mechanism. You are going to the theater, you have your hair done and fixed it with varnish, and the dog sneezes – this is also normal, in this case it is a reaction to irritating substances. Hairspray, various deodorant sprays, air fresheners, household chemicals – all this can irritate the mucous membranes of your pet’s nasal cavity. Tobacco smoke also provokes sneezing, moreover, passive smoking is dangerous not only for people around, but also for pets.

However, sneezing can also be a symptom of various diseases. How to distinguish a protective reflex from a symptom of an illness?

It is quite simple to do this – when sick, sneezing is more frequent and is usually accompanied by discharge from the nose.

Sneezing can be a symptom of:

  • viral infections, adenovirus infection and canine distemper (distemper of dogs);
  • serious dental disease due to a bacterial infection (therefore, plaque and tartar should not be ignored);
  • foreign body in the nasal cavity (discharge may be unilateral);
  • neoplasms in the nasal cavity;
  • trauma;
  • fungal infections of the nasal cavity;
  • and some other diseases.

Naturally, in case of illness, sneezing will not be the only symptom; changes in the general condition can often be observed: lethargy, fever, food refusal, etc. Nevertheless, sneezing can be the very first signal for the owner that the dog is getting sick or has is sick, so it is important not only to observe the development of the clinical picture, but to take action – it is best to contact the veterinary clinic for examination, diagnosis and, possibly, treatment. 

The article is not a call to action!

For a more detailed study of the problem, we recommend contacting a specialist.

Ask the vet

23 2017 June

Updated: July 6, 2018

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