The dog ate the chewing gum. How dangerous is it?

The dog ate the chewing gum. How dangerous is it?

If you accidentally left your purse in a conspicuous place and the dog eventually got to the chewing gum lost in its bowels, you must act quickly. Some chewing gums contain xylitol, which can be life-threatening for your four-legged friends. This article is about what to do if you suspect your dog has swallowed chewing gum.

The dog ate the gum. Should I be worried?

It depends on the type of chewing gum swallowed by the dog. If she ate sugar-free gum, there is definitely cause for concern. Sugar-free gums contain xylitol, a sugar substitute used in many sugar-free products and toxic to dogs.

If the chewing gum was with sugar, it is less dangerous, but

You should still call your veterinarian just in case. It is necessary to monitor the dog’s well-being to make sure that the chewing gum has successfully passed through the gastrointestinal tract.

Xylitol Poisoning in Dogs: Symptoms

Just one or two pads of some xylitol-containing gums can be toxic to dogs of any size.

The Cummings Veterinary Medical Center claims that this ingredient can cause a dangerous drop in blood sugar. In the most serious cases, liver failure may develop.

According to the FDA, xylitol poisoning can cause the following side effects in dogs:

  • Vomiting.
  • Decreased activity.
  • Weakness.
  • Movement coordination disorder.
  • Collapse.
  • Convulsions.

Xylitol isn’t just found in chewing gum, it’s also found in candy, toothpaste, mouthwashes, and other sugar-free products. It can be found in chewable vitamins, as well as throat drops and sprays. To keep your dog safe, keep all food, candy, dental products, and medicines out of their reach. The top shelves of kitchen cabinets are a good place to store these things, because even the most inquisitive dogs will not be able to get there. Bags, wallets, coats, other clothing and containers should also be kept out of her reach. Dogs discover the world through their sense of smell, so for them any open bag or pocket is an invitation to stick their nose in and explore the contents.

What to do if a dog ate chewing gum

If you know your dog has swallowed xylitol gum, contact your veterinarian immediately. The doctor will order blood tests to determine if the dog’s blood glucose levels have dropped and/or liver enzymes have increased.

If you’re not sure if your dog has swallowed the gum, it’s best to be careful and seek the advice of a veterinarian.

As a host, it is your responsibility to be vigilant and keep all human food and other toxic products out of reach. The dog is not able to learn from its mistakes, so it is your job to protect its health and safety.

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