The content of crayfish in an aquarium: its size depending on the number of individuals and how to properly feed them
Cancer is an unusual and interesting inhabitant that will look great in an aquarium. They are interesting to just watch, as they are hardy and unpretentious. But, despite this, you need to know that crayfish cannot be kept in a common aquarium, since other inhabitants of it may suffer from them. It should be noted that most crayfish can live in cool water and only some species need warm water.
Keeping crayfish in an aquarium
A single crayfish can be kept in a small aquarium, provided the water is changed regularly. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they hide leftover food in a shelter, and since there are quite a lot of such residues, the water can quickly become contaminated. Therefore, the aquarium must be cleaned frequently and the water changed frequently. At its bottom, you need to place special shelters from flower pots or stones. The soil should be large, because by their nature, crayfish love to dig holes in it.
If there are several crayfish in the aquarium, in this case there should be at least eighty liters of water. A spacious aquarium is needed because crayfish, by their nature, are capable of eating each other, so if one of them comes across to the other during molting, then it will simply be eaten. As a result it is very important to have a spacious aquarium, in which there should be many shelters where a molting crayfish could hide.
To purify and filter water, it is best to use an internal filter. Along with the internal filter, you can also use an external aquarium filter. But the aquarium owner must remember that the cancer can very easily get out through the hoses that come from the filter, so the aquarium must be closed.
What to feed crayfish?
In nature, cancer feeds on plant foods. For them you can buy special food in the form of sinking granules, tablets and flakes. When buying feed, you need to take into account the fact that they should have a high calcium content. This type of food will help cancer quickly restore its chitinous cover after molting. Consider some specialized feeds that are recommended for use.
Popular feed
Benibachi Bee Strong. This food supports the healthy development of cancer and favorably affects its color scheme. Their cancerous shell will be beautiful and shiny. Feed available as a white powder, which must be mixed in a separate cup to prevent entry into the aquarium.
Wild Minerock. This is a Japanese stone. Provides animals with all necessary minerals. This rare Japanese stone, when placed in an aquarium, releases special substances into the water that improve its quality and increase the growth of beneficial bacteria. These properties are very beneficial for crayfish. For an aquarium from twenty-five to thirty liters, a fifty-gram stone will be enough. For a sixty liter aquarium, the size of the stone should be one hundred grams and the size of the stone should be two hundred grams for a hundred liter aquarium.
Diana Cray fish. This food is in the form of granules. It contains the optimal amount of essential nutrients and vitamins. Designed specifically for daily feeding. It can be considered as a feature that it doesn’t muddy the water and very well absorbed. Increases resistance to various diseases, as Cray fish contains a large amount of protein.
It includes such components as:
- seashells;
- protein;
- seaweed;
- fish products;
- garlic;
- fats;
- antioxidants.
From Dennerle Cru. This is a granular basic aquarium food. The peculiarity of this feed can be considered the fact that it doesn’t get wet during the day and does not cloud the aquarium water. It contains minerals and proteins in the required proportions, which guarantees a healthy diet. Plant components that are present in the feed enhance the resistance of the cancer organism to diseases.
From Dennerle Cru. Supplied in granules. It is used for dwarf crayfish. The granules do not soak in water during the day. Their size is two millimeters. twenty percent made up of algae and ten percent of the feed is spirulina.
Nano Algenfutterblatter. Special food for small crayfish. Feed XNUMX% natural algae. The added vitamins enhance resistance to disease.
Nano Catappa Leaves. It is nothing but the leaves of the almond tree. This is a very important supplement because leaves contain many natural active substances, which can have a positive effect on cancers. They also strengthen the mucous membrane, strengthen the body’s defenses and maintain good health and activity.
Genchem Biomax Crayfish. This food is very well digestible and suitable for everyday feeding. The food does not spoil or muddy the water. It contains many valuable vitamins: vegetable algae, protein and mineral supplements.
Genchem Bread stocker. This aquarium food stimulates the formation of eggs and promotes better development of young organisms. Designed specifically for female crayfish. The food is well absorbed and does not muddy the water.
JBL NanoCatappa. These are dried leaves of tropical almonds, which are a natural water softener. Tannins, which are part of it, kill pathogenic bacteria. The leaves are picked straight from the tree, sun-dried and peeled. For thirty liters of water, you need to add one sheet. In a few days it will sink to the bottom. He releases useful substances within three weeks. After this time, it can be replaced with a new one.
JBL NanoCrusta. Necessary for caring for the shell of animals. Promotes good shedding. The product naturally purifies aquarium water.
JBL NanoTabs. This food in the form of tablets is considered a real delicacy. In its composition contains many herbal ingredients, as well as proteins. The tablet does not immediately dissolve in water and you can watch how the crayfish eat it.
Sera Crabs natural. This is a very high quality aquarium staple food. It is specially balanced taking into account all the necessary needs for crayfish. The food prevents water pollution. It keeps its shape for a long time. It contains: stinging nettle leaves, amino acids, natural minerals and vitamins.
Shrimp Food. It is considered the main food for crayfish, which consists of plant products and contributes to the body’s resistance to disease. The food is very solid and does not spoil the water. The composition includes natural seaweed and natural vitamins and minerals.
Crust Granules. Consists of granules with nutritious carotenoids. As a result, nutrition is completely balanced.
Tetra Crusta. Can be used as main food. Consists of four balanced feeds – natural minerals and proteins that complement each other. Helps to increase the body’s resistance to various diseases.
Crust Sticks. Aquarium food in the form of sinking sticks with a high content of germinated wheat. Strengthens resistance to disease and provides a complete and healthy diet.
Wafer Mix. The food is available in the form of tablets, which quickly sink to the bottom of the aquarium and are able to retain their shape for a long time. Optimally meet all the necessary needs of crustaceans. The composition of the feed includes special substances that ensure normal digestion.
In addition to specialized feed, crustaceans need to be given all kinds of vegetables:
- zucchini;
- spinach;
- cucumbers.
You can give surplus plants. They also eat protein foods well, but they should be given no more than once a week. It can be pieces of fish or shrimp, as well as frozen live food. The diet needs be sure to include meat, which can be given both raw and boiled. It will be nice if the meat spoils a little, since crayfish, by their nature, like to eat just a little rotten food. In the summer, earthworms must be added to the feed.
When is the best time to feed crayfish?
Feeding should be done once a day. Best of all in the evening, because by their nature, crayfish prefer to hide in secluded places during the day. If vegetables will act as food, then they do not need to be removed from the aquarium. You can wait until they are eaten. Also, for good health, it is necessary to alternate vegetable or animal feed. For example, one day only vegetable, and another day animal feed.