The color of the cat’s nose changes. This is fine?
Care and Maintenance

The color of the cat’s nose changes. This is fine?

The color of the cat’s nose changes. This is fine?

In fact, this is absolutely normal. Cat noses can change color from light pink to dark pink, and this usually happens during times of excitement or stress due to a temporary increase in heart rate and blood pressure. If this phenomenon is short-term, then you should not worry.

A cat’s nose has many small blood vessels that can narrow or expand depending on various variables such as heat, cold, high or low blood pressure. And this in turn can cause changes in the color of the nose. For example, when a cat is cold, her blood vessels constrict, so her nose may turn light pink. When a cat is hot or has high blood pressure, the blood vessels dilate and her nose may turn dark pink or even red.

All cats have the same nose anatomy, but cats with light noses have a much easier time seeing such differences in color. And the darker the color of the cat’s nose, the more difficult it is to notice changes in its color.

Is nose discoloration always normal?

Not always. If your cat normally has a pale pink nose but suddenly turns white, this could be a sign of anemia or circulatory problems. In this case, you should contact your veterinarian. You can even consult with a veterinarian online – in the Petstory mobile app. You can download the application from the link.

It’s also worth taking your cat to the vet if her nose is bluish or dull, as this may indicate decreased tissue oxygenation, which could be caused by organ failure, low hemoglobin levels in the blood, or toxins.

If the discoloration of the nose is due to an increase in your cat’s activity level, or if there are signs of respiratory problems (rapid breathing or shortness of breath with open mouth), this could be an emergency and you should take your cat to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

The color of the cat’s nose changes. This is fine?

March 17 2021

Updated: 18 March 2021

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