The best dogs in the world: features and characteristics of breeds

The best dogs in the world: features and characteristics of breeds

When a person is looking for a furry friend, he hopes that his pet will be the most intelligent, beautiful, obedient. The desire to have an assistant at work or guarding the house also plays an important role. But how can you rate your best friend? Having got used to a devoted friendly creature, the owner will always consider him the very best.

The experience of many years of world dog breeding allows specialists to look at dogs from an objective point of view and identify breeds that have good external data, an outstanding mind, and a accommodating docile character.

The best dog breeds in the world

The most common breeds that are popular are the following:

  • Border Collie;
  • German Shepherd;
  • Italian watchdog;
  • Doberman;
  • Samoyed cursing;
  • Husky;
  • Beagle;
  • Dolmatin;
  • Bullmastiff;
  • Scottish Setter (Gordon).

Border Collie

In our country, the border collie is the rarest breed, it is mainly distributed in the place of its origin, after which it was named. This is the border area between England and Scotland. By right they are considered the best dogs.

When the early medieval Scandinavian sailors arrived on the islands of Britain, they brought with them herding dogs from the north, which had previously helped them on deer pastures. Later, puppies were obtained containing a cross between these herding dogs and Scottish Sheepdogs.

This wonderful breed did not receive recognition immediately, only in 1976 the English Kennel Club officially registered this species, and a decade later recognition was also received in the Canadian club.

The British University, after serious research, called this breed the smartest in the world. Her excellent external data, vigor and tirelessness suggests that the border collie is the best breed.

The dog has a docile nature, shows no signs of aggression or nervousness. Very good as a life partner for the most energetic people who prefer outdoor activities.

Italian Guard Dog or Cane Corso

It comes from Italy, where it is still widespread. It differs from other breeds in an unusually developed intellect, able to make thoughtful decisions in difficult situations. The combination of an accommodating character and an unsurpassed guarding instinct makes her indispensable in matters of protecting the owner and his loved ones.

The dog has remarkable fighting qualities, the most lightning-fast attack and flexible plastique, in a throw it can knock down a person or an animal. Vigilance and caution allows her to get close to the enemy unnoticed and neutralize it. But the dog very rarely allows thoughtless aggression.

Породы собак. Питбуль

samoyed husky

This breed has existed for a very long time and has never interested scientists in terms of improving species qualities. The originality of the name of the dog should thank the nomads, who were called Samoyeds. The good guard qualities of the dog have long been used, it helped to hunt large animals, some were harnessed to riding carts.

It was the ability to carry heavy loads over long distances that attracted the attention of the British at the end of the XNUMXth century. Such breeds perfectly adapt to any climatic conditions. For family dog ​​Samoyed husky is perfect for taking care of children and condescending character.


Originally from Scotland, but in England they continue to breed until our time and spread around the world. Highly prized for their continuous temperament, convenient small size and swift speed.

Beagles are acquired by owners who are fond of hunting small animals. Dog has an attractive appearance, so the owners use its decorative qualities.

The nature of the dog is temperamental, good-natured, sociable. Natural kindness and intelligence allow them to find contact with children of different generations.

Бигль. Породы собак


The dog was named after the area in the Mediterranean where it was first bred. Know the Vatican and later English courtiers used the breed at court, to accompany the ladies on horseback rides.

The dog is absolutely calm in nature, loves to play with children, has an entertaining appearance. All these qualities have made the Dolmatian very popular among dog breeders.


Originally from XNUMXth century England. Bred as a mixture of bulldog and mastiff. The breed suggests a strong physique, power, at the same time lightness and swiftness.

By nature, it is distinguished by extreme courage and an indefatigable desire to protect its master. When attacked by an enemy, the first thing a dog will do is try to distract the attacker from the owner. If that doesn’t work, then she will simply become between the owner and the enemy and then woe to the offender.

Scottish Setter (Gordon)

A very graceful beautiful hunting dog, bred in England and fully developed by the middle of the XNUMXth century.

Hardy, with excellent flair. Easily adapts to hunting in a variety of conditions. When working with hunters, one should note such qualities as perseverance and deep flair.

There are no problems when keeping in an apartment, need constant movement in the form of games on air. Gets along with all household, obedient and flexible.

Шотландский сеттер. Самое интересное о породе!

The smartest dogs

If you expect a smart dog to do whatever you want, then you are wrong. Dogs with high intelligence are very difficult to keep. Many of them, like smart little children, are interested in everything and will definitely fit in somewhere, especially if the owner is not at home.

Some dogs are happy if they constantly play with someone when the children do not give them a moment’s rest, others, left at home alone, get bored and will gnaw and chew everything that comes across. It should be noted that dogs, even very smart ones, have absolutely no sense of guilt.

The list below is based on the recommendation of the University of Animal Psychology in Colombia. When compiling, the ability of dogs to learn quickly and work in tandem with a person was taken into account.

  1. Border Collie.
  2. Poodle.
  3. German Shepherd.
  4. Golden retriever.
  5. Doberman.


Representatives of this breed are always active and energetic. Poodles are very affectionate and affectionate creatures. For them, any pastime with a person will be suitable and accepted, whether it be a joint rest in a chair or playing on the lawn with a ball. Be sure to require walking for at least one hour a day, otherwise unspent energy will be directed to disobedience and various pranks.

A poodle can get along in a family of any number of members. The more children and teenagers who want to frolic with a poodle in the fresh air, the better he will feel.

In the past, the poodle was actively used for hunting. In this regard, it was especially appreciated that the dog could easily jump into the pond and retrieve the trophy from the water. Today, poodles are bred mainly for decorative purposes and play the role of a devoted and comely family friend.

Знакомство с породой: пудели

German Shepherd

This is a well-balanced service dog, with an exceptional mind and amenable to a wide variety of training. It can be taught to protect, search for a person or animal, detect explosives or drugs.

The character trait is that the dog easily adapts to changing ownership, but between changes recognizes only one owner. This is good in the sense that at the time of the search work she constantly has to work with different satellites, but she equally clearly executes the commands of the policeman.

People who do not like this beautiful and graceful breed can never be found. In some cases of dog behavior, the position of “woe from wit” can be mentioned. Naturally, for the owner of the dog. A trained dog often follows the owner’s commands in such a way as to win. It happens that he doesn’t do it at all, if he thinks and decides that he can do without it at all.

The areas of our life where this breed of dog is used are very diverse. German Shepherds serve on the border, in the police, special services, they are used by shepherds for work. But if you take such a faithful friend into your family, then reliable protection is provided for your home.

Golden retriever

Despite their impressive size, dogs of this breed never the first to show aggression towards a person or any animal. This does not mean that the retriever cannot fend for itself, it is simply a peaceful animal and only enters into a fight in case of emergency.

If a dog lives in a family, then she feels devotion to all its members and does not single out anyone. Representatives of the breed have a very stable psyche, it excludes the manifestation of anger, impatience and aggression. All retrievers take pride in spending time in the company of any of the family members, and it does not matter whether the owner teaches him or plays with him on the street.

All other pets in the house will become dog’s best friends, from cats to parrots. Retriever is used in practice for rescue and search operations or as a guide for a blind person. Often these dogs are bought by sick children for communication.

Золотистый ретривер


An intelligent breed with a sense of dignity towards all who are not included in the circle of his interests. But the owner is allowed everything. With the owner, he is direct and emotional, behaving friendly.

A feature is the cleanliness of the dog, which is expressed in the unwillingness to eat from dirty dishes and the requirement for constant water procedures. He will bypass all the dirty puddles on the street and will never pick up food on the sidewalk or in the trash can.

To the owner at the initial training need to show strength of character and earn the respect of the dog, then he will fulfill all your orders unquestioningly.

Most often, Dobermans are taken into families for security functions.

О породе собак - Мопс

List of breeds recognized as the most beautiful

According to society, the following breeds of dogs can be recognized as the most beautiful.

  1. Poodle.
  2. Bernese mountain dog.
  3. Pomeranian.
  4. Siberian Husky.
  5. Golden retriever.

Siberian Huskies in the distant past were used in teams to transport goods and people, but times have changed and now they are purchased for family living in a friendly atmosphere and to participate in exhibitions and shows.

The fact that originally the sled dogs of the northern peoples lived directly in the dwelling allowed them to develop absolute loyalty towards people and good feelings for the younger members of the family over many years.

Про породу собак - Кане-корсо

Pomeranian is a dwarf decorative representative. These dogs have a cheerful disposition, they choose any living creature for games – a rabbit, a cat or a person. For inexhaustible energy they are called motors. Passivity is not a property of their character.

Very devoted to the owner and obedient, easy to train, insightful and attentive. When a stranger appears in the house give a loud voice, because of this they can serve as watchmen.

Very beautiful dogs will become a home decoration and friends for adults and children.

Породы собак. Доберман

The Bernese Mountain Dog is by nature peaceful and hardy. If he is left alone for a long time, he begins to feel sad. It shows a wary attitude towards strangers, ready to protect its owner. It rarely barks, but in a moment of danger it will definitely notify a person.

In the family, he treats all members equally and does not single out anyone in particular. Training needs to start from an early age without undue perseverance and raising your voice. Used to protect the home and property.

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