The Andalusian Wine-Cellar Rat-Hunting Dog
Dog Breeds

The Andalusian Wine-Cellar Rat-Hunting Dog

Country of originSpain
The sizeSmall
Growth35-43 cm
Weight5–10 kg
Age14–16 years old
FCI breed groupNot recognized
The Andalusian Wine-Cellar Rat-Hunting Dog Characteristics

Brief information

  • Another name is Andalusian ratonero;
  • Energetic and curious;
  • They have developed hunting instincts.


In the 19th century, English businessmen who settled in the Spanish city of Jerez de da Frontera used fox terriers to clean rats and mice from wine cellars and vineyards. Later, the fox terrier was crossed with the local Andalusian terrier, the Raterillo Andaluz. These two breeds are today considered the progenitors of the Andalusian inn rat-catcher.

Despite the fact that the age of the breed is a couple of hundred years, the Andalusian Ratonero has not been officially recognized by the International Cynological Federation . The fact is that breeders attended to its registration only in the middle of the 20th century. In 2000, the Andalusian Ratonero became the national breed of Spain.

By temperament, the Andalusian Pied Piper is a real terrier. Agile and energetic, he cannot sit still. If a dog suddenly becomes bored – and this happens most often from the fact that she has nowhere to put her energy – she will stop at nothing. The focus of her attention will be the legs of chairs and armchairs, slippers and clothes of family members. So, if you are planning to purchase an Andalusian piedcatcher puppy, you should be prepared for exhausting training and training.


Smart dogs quickly grasp information, literally on the fly. However, some members of the breed can be stubborn and independent. You will have to make an effort, raising such a pet. You can’t let the Andalusian rat catcher grow up on its own – there is a great risk of getting a naughty and eccentric dog.

It is interesting that representatives of the breed behave very affectionately and gently with children. They have a special relationship with students. They can take the dog for a walk, play with it and feed it. This is how a real friendship develops between a child and a dog. The Andalusian Pied Piper, as befits a terrier, does not like intruders and is distrustful of strangers. They make good guards.

A well-developed hunting instinct makes the Andalusian rat-catcher not the best neighbor for rodents and cats. Moreover, rats, mice and hamsters are perceived by the dog exclusively as prey. Therefore, the owners of these animals need to carefully monitor that the terrier does not have the opportunity to get to the rodent.

The Andalusian Wine-Cellar Rat-Hunting Dog Care

The Pied Piper’s short coat needs minimal grooming. It is enough to wipe the dog once a week with a towel or a damp hand to remove the fallen hairs. During the molting period – in autumn and spring, it is recommended to use a furminator brush.

Conditions of detention

A real fidget, the Andalusian ratonero needs active walks. With it you can run in the morning or in the evenings in the park, ride a bike, take it on hikes. In addition, a pet of this breed will show good results in sports.

The Andalusian Wine-Cellar Rat-Hunting Dog – Video

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