Thai cat
Characteristics of Thai cat
Country of origin | Thailand |
Wool type | Shorthair |
Height | 30 cm |
Weight | 4–8 kg |
Age | 10–14 years old |
Basic moments
- The Thai cat is very affectionate and gets along well not only with all members of your family, but also with other pets. It is worth considering: building her relationships with other pets, she will strive for dominance, which in most cases she succeeds perfectly.
- In relations with a person, the Thai cat is amazingly peaceful. Perhaps this is one of the few breeds whose representatives are attached specifically to the owner, and not to the habitat.
- The Thai cat lacks the annoying habit of marking its territory.
- The irrepressible curiosity of the Thai has become a legend. It is not clear what guides the animal in the first place – the instinct of self-preservation or the desire to learn something new for oneself. It is with this character trait that almost all cases of injuries in Thai cats are associated.
- The Thai cat is one of the most contact breeds. Any of your actions – from routine cleaning in the house to moving furniture or wallpapering – will make your pet want to take part in it and provide effective (according to the cat) help.
- Thai cat is a wonderful nanny for a child, even the smallest one. The pet also reacts very sensitively to any atypical situations in the house, about which it immediately runs to inform the owner.
- Thais are very emotional and talkative. The expression of their faces very clearly characterizes the state of the animal, and the ability to navigate in a rich “lexicon” (apart from the traditional “meow”, a Thai cat makes many different sounds) will allow you to quickly find a common language with this magical creature.
- The descendants of the temple cats of ancient Thailand are smart and perfectly trainable.

The Thai cat is an animal with amazing sky-blue eyes, the color of which the Thais consider the reward of the gods for faithful and devoted service in Buddhist monasteries and at royal courts. The whole history of the existence of the breed is covered with numerous legends. Even in modern Thailand, they firmly believe that a cat is able to drive away evil spirits and bring peace and tranquility to the house. Very smart, gentle and affectionate, and at the same time fearless and loyal, the Thai cat is a real miracle of nature, created to bring happiness to people.
History of the Thai cat breed

The National Library of Bangkok has a manuscript of the “Book of Poems about Cats” dating from the 14th-15th centuries, in which a breed similar to the modern one is mentioned in writing for the first time.
It was believed that Vichien Mae (as Thai cats are called in ancient manuscripts) lived only in royal palaces and Buddhist temples. Four-legged guards guarded the chambers not only from evil spirits, but also from very real mice, rats and snakes, whose bites were not dangerous for cats due to the special properties of the skin: density, elasticity, the minimum number of blood vessels and nerve endings, which reduced the pain threshold and prevent the spread of infection throughout the body. Cats with such outstanding features were carefully guarded from strangers. It was strictly forbidden to take animals out of the kingdom of Siam. Such an attitude towards the Thais was the reason that they first appeared on the European continent only towards the end of the 19th century.
According to the official version, the first two cats of this breed were presented by the King of Thailand to the representative of the British diplomatic mission, Owen Gould, as a sign of the highest mercy. Animals of an unusual color made a splash in the capital of the British Empire. Having learned about this success, the ruler of Siam, Chilalongkorn, sent several dozen purebred royal cats as a gift to high-ranking persons of the British court. From that moment began the purposeful breeding of the breed in Europe.
In 1892, the first official breed standard “royal Siamese cat” was defined. If you look through the records about the Thais of those times in the stud book of the Northern Cat Club (NCC), you can find the entry: “the breeder is the king of Siam.”
The popularity of the breed grew rapidly and reached its peak in America and Europe by the second half of the 20th century.

The appearance of Siamese cats in Russia is attributed to the same time . The breeding of the breed on the territory of the former USSR was practically not controlled, which led to its wide distribution throughout the country. At the first exhibitions in Moscow and Leningrad, the animals were exhibited in the “beginners” category under the name “Old Siamese cat”.
In 1988, the President of the WCF (World Cat Federation) Anna-Lisa Hackman, having evaluated the cats presented at Russian exhibitions, decided to create a new breed of “Thai cat”. The current standard was first described in 1990 and registered by WCF in 1991.
Surprisingly, it turned out that the traditional Thai cat (despite the name) turned out to be an aboriginal Russian breed.
Not so long ago, some twenty years ago, representatives of the breed were very popular. Gradually they began to be forced out by the Persians , the British , the refined Siamese of European selection. However, there are still many connoisseurs of these magnificent animals who will do everything so that the magical blue-eyed cats are not forgotten.
Video: Thai cat
Appearance of the Thai cat

The standard approved in 1991 is currently under revision, so the breed is considered open. This means that any animal similar in phenotype to a Thai cat can be classified as a representative. To confirm such affiliation, it is necessary to have two signatures of experts in the registration documents. Such animals are allowed for official breeding.
Rounded, without pronounced angularities and flat fragments. The forehead is moderately convex, the transition to the nose is clearly marked and is level with the eyes, in no case below the conditional horizontal line passing along the level of the lower eyelid. Stop is not observed. The muzzle is clearly marked, the cheeks are round, in adult animals they are clearly defined. Excessive plumpness is considered a disadvantage. The nose is of medium length, straight.
The eyes of Thai cats are slightly slanted (almond or lemon-shaped), large. The color of the iris is from sky blue to blue. A saturated shade is valued higher. Round or excessively slanted eyes lower the judges’ scores.
The ears of Thais are medium, with a wide base and rounded tips. On the head are located widely. Characterized by slight versatility.
Length – closer to short. It is preferable for a cat to have a short neck.

The body of the Thai cat is dense, muscular, but not massive. The chest is wide enough.
Legs and paws
Limbs of medium length, in proportion to the size of the body. Strong, muscular. Paws are rounded, small.

Thick at the base, slightly tapering towards the tip. Not long.
The coat of the Thai cat is thin, short, smooth to the touch, well attached to the skin, but not “flat”. The undercoat is practically absent.
The determining factor in the phenotype of the breed is the acromelanic color, when individual parts of a generally light animal have a contrasting dark shade (in the case of a Thai cat, paws, muzzle and tail). The gamma of the main tone suggests the corresponding colors of the mask, limbs. Dark hair on other parts of the animal’s body, as well as visible light hairs or light spots on the points, is a disqualifying factor.
Photo of a Thai cat

The nature of the Thai cat
The ancient origin and the special history of the relationship between Siamese cats and humans left their mark on the character of the representatives of this breed.

The Thai cat is a true intellectual of the cat world. And it’s not just the cleanliness that is traditional for these animals – many fluffy pets surprisingly quickly understand the essence of certain plumbing fixtures and begin to use them for their intended purpose, bypassing the traditional tray. And not even that the Thai cat is an ideal object for training. The ability of an animal to understand people can be considered amazing. Many believe that they received this skill from the monks of Siam. Once in your house, she will accurately determine the dominant family member and, with royal indulgence, enroll him in her favorites. This will not negatively affect relations with other household members, but she will only wait and miss her “chosen one”.
Thais are very fond of chatting. And they do it with pleasure, if they just want to maintain a friendly conversation, or out of necessity, if they need to prove something and explain to the owner. A variety of intonations and sounds perfectly characterizes the state of your pet – he will come to thank you for a delicious dinner or express his displeasure with a long absence. At the same time, the Thai cat is also sensitive to the mood of the owner – she can come to support you at the right time or, conversely, leave you alone with yourself.
Everyone, without exception, notes the curiosity of pets. Everything in the house will be examined and studied with special care. In direct proportion to this character trait is the statistics of cat injuries. And if you slightly burn your nose with steam from a kettle or set your mustache on fire in the flame of a burning candle – half the trouble, then flying from the window behind a flying bird can end in failure. Although even the bitter life experience of fearlessness of the animal will not reduce.
The Thai cat always chooses a place in the house from which he can constantly control the situation. She loves active games, although she can fool around with pleasure herself.
Thais are child friendly. You can safely leave the cat alone even with the smallest child. She will never release her claws, much less bite your baby.
For all their self-sufficiency, Thai cats are very affectionate creatures. She will endure a change of scenery, and even a short loneliness, if she is sure of your love.

By the time they move to a new home, Thai kittens already learn the basic rules of behavior well, they know how to use a scratching post and a cat litter box. To make the process of getting used to a new place of residence quick and painless, try to create an environment for the baby similar to the one in which he spent the first months of his life. Talk to your pet calmly, without raising your voice unnecessarily. The Thai will quickly realize that if they are dissatisfied and loudly scolded, then he is really guilty. Minimize the use of harsh measures. Aggression can only breed aggression. You can calm an overly angry cat with a stream of cool water. It is not painful or humiliating for the royal cat, unlike physical punishment.
Provide your baby with enough toys. This will distract him from leprosy and save your things from damage. Keep valuables, papers out of the reach of the animal.
A cat in the house is both a great joy and a huge responsibility. And that responsibility lies with the individual.
Care and maintenance

Caring for a Thai cat is not at all burdensome. Like a kitten of any breed, a little Thai must first be taught to use a tray and a scratching post. Toddlers are very smart and quickly understand what’s what. Take a closer look at exactly where the kitten sharpens its claws most often, and place either a store-bought or a do-it-yourself fixture made of dense fabric there.
Window curtains are very attractive to Thai babies, so for the first time, tie them up to a height inaccessible to the little prankster. Over time, they will become uninteresting to him, and the animal will direct its curiosity and activity in another direction.
The bathing procedure is unlikely to be to your pet’s taste, but he will endure it with truly royal endurance. Make sure that water does not get into the ears during water procedures. Do not use “human” shampoos – there are enough specialized cosmetics on sale.
Thai cat hair care is extremely simple. Simply petting your pet once a week with a damp hand is enough to collect loose hairs. You can use a brush made of soft natural bristles or a special mitt – cats love massage, which, in addition to cosmetic, also has a healing effect. A characteristic feature of the acromelanic color is its thermodependence. The cooler the room where the Thai cat lives, the more active the age-related darkening of the coat occurs, which can adversely affect the show career. The most problematic in this sense are the seal-point and blue-point colors. The process can be slowed down if the animal is kept at an air temperature of +23 to +25 °C.
Only cats kept exclusively in the house need to trim their nails. Do this 2 times a month with a nail cutter or sharp nail scissors. Be careful not to damage the living tissue with blood vessels.
Oral care consists of periodic brushing of the teeth and examination of the condition of the gums. Periodic performance of this procedure is desirable if you feed a Thai cat with natural food.
Ears and eyes are cleaned as needed.
Feeding the cat
The two main rules are balance and sufficiency.
Kittens are fed 6-8 times a day in small portions, an adult animal receives food twice a day. Food should always be fresh, neither cold nor hot. A bowl of clean water is a must.

Each owner decides the issue of balance independently. If at first it is worth following the diet that the breeder adhered to, then in the future you can gradually transfer the Thai cat to a diet that will be more convenient for you to provide.
Less hassle will be with ready-made feed. There is one “but” here – widely advertised options from supermarkets will not work, otherwise health problems cannot be avoided. Use only specially formulated premium and super premium varieties.
Supporters of a natural diet should remember that the food from our table is not good for Thai cats. Your pet will have to cook separately. The menu must have raw meat, cut in such a way that the cat does not immediately swallow a piece, but chews it for some time. But be sure to cook the fish. Contrary to popular belief, it should not be made the dominant food product. Moreover, do not feed a pregnant animal with fish. Treat your cat with a chicken egg once a week. Cottage cheese in the diet is welcome, but low-fat varieties are better. Spicy and spicy dishes in the diet of Thai cats are excluded.
Vegetables and fruits can be given without restrictions – the cat herself will choose what she wants to eat at the moment.
If your Thai does not leave the house, make sure that her diet includes fresh grass or greens of cereal crops (seeds can be bought at a pet store and grown in ordinary flower pots).
When compiling the menu, be sure to take into account the age of the pet – this will help to avoid many problems. Cats can be cooked only from fresh and high-quality products.

Health and disease of the Thai cat
The Thai cat received good health from its royal ancestors. Among other thoroughbred animals, it is rightfully considered a long-liver: with an average life expectancy of 12-14 years, cases were often recorded when the Thai pleased the owners for more than two decades.

Strong immunity should in no case be a reason for refusing the necessary vaccinations that need to be done annually.
It would be naive to assume that Thai cats do not get sick at all. They have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, problems with the heart or teeth can be found. But statistics show that the frequency of manifestation of these diseases is in no way higher than in representatives of other breeds. The main thing is to carefully monitor the health of the cat. Timely adoption of the necessary measures, plus a good immunity given by nature, will help to overcome all troubles.
The Thai cat is characterized by early puberty. Animals may be ready to mate as early as 4-5 months, but this does not mean at all that it is time to start mating. Such experiments can have an extremely negative impact on the condition of your pet, and you are unlikely to get healthy kittens. It is better to wait until the cat reaches one year of age.
Do not rush with sterilization. Such an operation should not be done before the animals reach the age of six months. Some breed lines of the Thai cat may show a predisposition to the occurrence of mammary tumors. Veterinary practice shows that timely sterilization (up to one year) significantly reduces possible risks.
Converging strabismus and tail defects can be considered genetic diseases of the Thais. They are easily identified visually, although the first problem is not so clear. The baby can “mow” temporarily, due to the tenderness of age. If everything is normal with parents, grandparents from this point of view, then most likely this is a common childhood strabismus. As you grow older, the disadvantage will disappear. But there are times when this problem occurs in an adult cat. The most common cause is severe stress.
How to choose a kitten
Like any purebred animal, a Thai kitten must meet certain criteria.
- Acromelanic color does not imply the presence of white spots on the “points”. Carefully inspect your chosen one.
- The tail of the kitten should be even, without kinks and thickenings.
- Make sure that the baby does not have strabismus.
How to determine if your chosen one is healthy? The rules are simple. Firstly, by the age of three months (and earlier it is not recommended to take a kitten from its mother), the breeder must give the baby all the necessary vaccinations, which is confirmed by the relevant entries in the veterinary passport. Secondly, do not be too lazy to carefully examine the little Thai. Ears should be clean, eyes – without signs of souring and streaks. The tummy of a healthy baby is painless and soft. The Thai cat is very attentive to the hygiene of its children, and if the kitten is clean and dry under the tail, then he does not suffer from digestive problems.
The behavior of a little Thai can say a lot about both his health and character. An active cat eats well, shows its natural curiosity, is not afraid of strangers and boldly makes contact with a person.
Even small Thai kittens are able to understand people well. If the fluffy has shown interest in you, and even more so with pleasure climbed into your lap, then you can not doubt for a minute – this is your cat.
Photo of Thai kittens

How much is a Thai cat
The breed is not rare, so the prices for Thai kittens cannot be classified as very high.
Babies “without passports” from the same parents will cost you about 50%. Such a kitten can be bought from friends or in the bird market. He will be a great friend to you, but he will not be suitable for a show career and breeding work.
A Thai cat without a metric, but from documented pedigreed parents, will cost up to 100$.
The price of a purebred descendant of cats of ancient Siam, purchased from professional breeders or in a cattery with all accompanying documents due, will start from 250$.
The cost of an animal of this class will vary depending on the following factors.
- Career success of mom and dad. The more victories the parents have at exhibitions, the more expensive the baby will be.
- Gender of the kitten. Girls are more expensive.
- Color. Snow-white or with a blue tint of wool are valued more.
- Nursery rating. Sometimes purebred Thai cats are bought even abroad and for foreign currency.
- Vaccination and other expenses associated with breeding work.
The range of prices for Thai kittens from pet to premium class is very significant. Realizing your desire to have a representative of this breed at home, decide who you need – just a friend or a champion friend.
Whatever your choice, know that the Thai cat is an amazing creature, and you will never regret having one in your home.