Tetra fish
Tetras are relatively easy to care for and do not require a large aquarium, which, coupled with their bright colors and excellent compatibility with other fish, has determined their success in the aquarium hobby.
- Most species are very easy to keep and breed.
- They are modest in size, so they do not require large aquariums.
- Peaceful friendly fish, perfectly compatible with other non-aggressive species
- Description
- Behavior and Compatibility
- Content
- Reproduction / breeding
- Alestopetersius
- Astyanax point-to-point
- Aphiocharax
- Afiocharax Natterera
- Aphiocharax Rathbuna
- African Tetra
- White Tetra
- Diamond Tetra
- blue tetra
- blue neon
- yellow tetra
- Greenstripe Tetra
- Golden Tetra
- Exquisite Tetra
- Callista
- cardinal tetra
- Kerry
- Colombian tetra
- Congo diamond
- Congo Golden
- Royal tetra
- Red Tetra
- Red Eyed Tetra
- Red Congo
- Red Ornatus
- Ladigesia Roloff
- Lemon Tetra
- false pristella
- False neon
- Minor Rubostigma
- neon savannah
- Peruvian Tetra
- albino pristella
- Transparent Tetra
- Rainbow Tetra
- Pink Tetra
- Diamond Tetra
- Ruby Tetra
- Rubrostigma
- Blue Tetra
- Blind Cave Tetra
- Glass Tetra
- Thornsia
- Tetra Amandy
- Tetra Amapa
- Tetra hummingbird
- Tetra Loreto
- Tetra Firefly
- Tetra Tucano
- Tetra Ulreya
- Tetra Schultz
- Tetra-Discus
- Tetra-Congo
- Tetra Swordsman
- Tetra Pepper
- Tetra-penguin
- Tetra-Phantom
- Tetra Flashlight
- Phantom yellow
- Phantom red
- Purple Tetra
- Black morpho tetra
- Black Tetra (Voil)
- Black Neon
- six-eyed tetra
- chocolate tetra
- Mimagoniatus Barbera
- Three line tetra
- Trinidadian tetra
- Moencausia Collet
- dragon tetra
- green neon
- Tetra elahis
The average adult size is 4–5 cm, making the Tetra one of the smallest aquarium fish. Depending on the specific species, they have significant external differences both in body shape and structure, the size of the fins, and in color, which combines many bright colors and shades. At the same time, the differences between male and female within the species are not so pronounced. The exception is the African Tetras, where the males are more colorful.
Behavior and Compatibility
Peaceful, prefer to be in large clusters, numbering dozens of relatives. However, in a home aquarium, you can limit yourself to a group of 8-10 specimens. In a small group or being alone, these fish become shy and inactive. Isolation leads to a reduction in life expectancy, sometimes up to several months.
Due to their small size and peaceful disposition, they can be combined with many other non-aggressive species that can live in similar conditions.
Although many generations of tetras live in the artificial environment of aquariums, they
Reproduction / breeding
Under suitable conditions, spawning occurs regularly, and since there is no seasonal breeding in aquariums, fry can appear in large flocks almost every month or even more often. Parental instincts are not developed, fish, on occasion, will certainly eat their own caviar and offspring, which, however, is compensated by high fertility. One female during the mating season lays tens or hundreds of eggs. If you plan to start breeding, then immediately after spawning, it is worth transferring the eggs to a separate tank with identical water conditions.
Alestopetersius red, scientific name Alestopetersius nigropterus or Alestopetersius ansorgii, belongs to the family Alestidae (African tetras)
Astyanax point-to-point
Astyanax bimaculatus, scientific name Astyanax bimaculatus, belongs to the Characins family (Characinaceae)
Red-finned Tetra or Afiocharax, scientific name Aphyocharax anisitsi, belongs to the Characidae family
Afiocharax Natterera
Aphyocharax Natterera, scientific name Aphyocharax nattereri, belongs to the Characins family (Characinaceae)
Aphiocharax Rathbuna
Aphiocharax Rathbuna, scientific name Aphyocharax rathbuni, belongs to the family Characidae (Characinidae)
African Tetra
African red-eyed tetra, scientific name Arnoldichthys spilopterus, belongs to the family Alestidae (African tetras)
White Tetra
White Tetra, scientific name Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, belongs to the Characidae family
Diamond Tetra
Diamond Tetra, scientific name Moenkhausia pittieri, belongs to the Characidae family
blue tetra
Alestopetersius smykalai or Blue Diamond Tetra, scientific name Alestopetersius smykalai, belongs to the family Alestidae (African tetras)
blue neon
Neon or Blue Neon, scientific name Paracheirodon innesi, belongs to the Characidae family (Characinidae)
yellow tetra
The yellow tetra, scientific name Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus, belongs to the family Characidae
Greenstripe Tetra
Greenstriped Tetra or Tetra Iguana, scientific name Iguanodectes spilurus, belongs to the Iguanodectidae family
Golden Tetra
Golden Tetra, scientific name Hemigrammus rodwayi, belongs to the Characidae family
Exquisite Tetra
Exquisite Tetra or Ornatus ordinary, scientific name Hyphessobrycon bentosi, belongs to the family Characidae (Characinaceae)
Callista or Tetra Minor, scientific name Hyphessobrycon eques, belongs to the Characidae family (Characinidae)
cardinal tetra
Cardinal Tetra or Red Neon, scientific name Paracheirodon axelrodi, belongs to the Characidae family (Characinidae)
The Kerry or Purple Emperor Tetra, scientific name Inpaichthys kerri, belongs to the Characidae family
Colombian tetra
The Colombian tetra, scientific name Hyphessobrycon columbianus, belongs to the Characidae family.
Congo diamond
Bricinus longfin or Congo diamond, scientific name Brycinus longipinnis, belongs to the family Alestidae (African tetras)
Congo Golden
Yellowtail Congo or Congo Golden, scientific name Alestopetersius caudalis, belongs to the family Alestidae
Royal tetra
Imperial or Royal Tetra, scientific name Nematobrycon palmeri, belongs to the Characidae family (Characinaceae)
Red Tetra
Red or Fire Tetra, scientific name Hyphessobrycon flammeus, belongs to the Characidae family (Characinidae)
Red Eyed Tetra
Philomena, Red-eyed Tetra or Red-eyed Moenkausia, scientific name Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae, belongs to the Characidae family
Red Congo
Red Congo, Cherry Congo or Brichard’s Congo (in honor of the Belgian ichthyologist Pierre Brichard), scientific name Alestopetersius brichardi, belongs to the family Alestidae (African tetras)
Red Ornatus
Ornatus Longfin, Red Rubostigma or Red Ornatus, scientific name Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus, belongs to the Characins family (Characinaceae)
Ladigesia Roloff
Ladigesia Roloff, scientific name Ladigesia roloffi, belongs to the family Alestidae (African tetras)
Lemon Tetra
Lemon Tetra, scientific name Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis, belongs to the Characidae family (Characinidae)
false pristella
False Transparent Tetra or False Pristella, scientific name Hyphessobrycon simulatus, belongs to the Characins family
False neon
False Blue Neon, scientific name Paracheirodon simulans, belongs to the Characidae family
Minor Rubostigma
Sokolof’s tetra or Lesser Rubostigma, scientific name Hyphessobrycon socolofi, belongs to the Characidae family (Characinaceae)
neon savannah
Savannah neon, scientific name Hyphessobrycon stegemanni, belongs to the Characins family
Peruvian Tetra
Peruvian Tetra or Peruvian Neon, scientific name Hyphessobrycon peruvianus, belongs to the Characidae family
albino pristella
Albino Pristella or Transparent Albino Tetra, scientific name Pristella maxillaris, belongs to the Characidae family
Transparent Tetra
Transparent Tetra, Fish Goldfinch or Pristella, scientific name Pristella maxillaries, belongs to the Characidae family
Rainbow Tetra
Rainbow Tetra or Rainbow Tetra, scientific name Nematobrycon lacortei, belongs to the Characidae family (Characinidae)
Pink Tetra
Pink Tetra or Ornatus pink, scientific name Hyphessobrycon rosaceus, belongs to the Characidae family (Characinaceae)
Diamond Tetra
The diamond-shaped tetra, scientific name Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, belongs to the Characidae family
Ruby Tetra
Ruby Tetra or Axelrod Rice, scientific name Axelrodia riesei, belongs to the Characins family (Characinaceae)
Red-spotted Tetra, Rubrostigma or Ornatus red-dotted, scientific name Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma, belongs to the Characidae family (Characinaceae)
Blue Tetra
Coelurichthys small-scaled or Blue Tetra, scientific name Mimagoniates microlepis, belongs to the Characidae family
Blind Cave Tetra
The Mexican Tetra or Blind Cave Tetra, scientific name Astyanax mexicanus, belongs to the Characidae family
Glass Tetra
The glass tetra, scientific name Prionobrama filigera, belongs to the Characidae family.
Ternetia, Black Tetra or Black Widow, scientific name Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, belongs to the Characidae family
Tetra Amandy
Amanda’s tetra, Dwarf red tetra or Fire tetra, scientific name Hyphessobrycon amandae, belongs to the Characidae family (Characinidae)
Tetra Amapa
Tetra Amapa or Red Striped Tetra, scientific name Hyphessobrycon amapaensis, belongs to the family Characidae (Characinidae)
Tetra hummingbird
The hummingbird tetra, scientific name Trochilocharax ornatus, belongs to the Characins family.
Tetra Loreto
Tetra Loreto, scientific name Hyphessobrycon loretoensis, belongs to the Characins family (Characinaceae)
Tetra Firefly
The firefly tetra, scientific name Hemigrammus erythrozonus, belongs to the Characidae family
Tetra Tucano
Tucanoichthys Tucano or Tetra Tucano, scientific name Tucanoichthys tucano, belongs to the Characidae family.
Tetra Ulreya
Ulrey’s tetra, scientific name Hemigrammus ulreyi, belongs to the Characidae family
Tetra Schultz
Tetra Timari or Schulz’s Tetra, scientific name Hyphessobrycon haraldschultzi, belongs to the Characins (Characin) family
Rounded Tetra or Tetra-Discus, scientific name Brachychalcinus orbicularis, belongs to the Characins family (Characinaceae)
Tetra Congo, scientific name Phenacogrammus interruptus, belongs to the family Alestiidae
Tetra Swordsman
Tetra Swordsman or Dragonfish, scientific name Corynopoma riisei, belongs to the Characidae family
Tetra Pepper
Axelrhodia pinkish or Tetra-Pepper, scientific name Axelrodia stigmatias, belongs to the Characins (Characin) family
Thayeria crooked or Tetra penguin, scientific name Thayeria boehlkei, belongs to the family Characidae
Tetra phantom or Ornatus black, scientific name Hyphessobrycon megalopterus, belongs to the family Characidae (Characinidae)
Tetra Flashlight
Flashlight or tetra-flashlight, scientific name Hemigrammus ocellifer, belongs to the family Characidae
Phantom yellow
Phantom yellow or Ornatus yellow, scientific name Hyphessobrycon roseus, belongs to the family Characidae (Characinaceae)
Phantom red
Ornatus red or Phantom red, scientific name Hyphessobrycon sweglesi, belongs to the Characidae family (Characinaceae)
Purple Tetra
Purple Tetra or Tetra Meta, scientific name Hyphessobrycon metae, belongs to the Characidae family (Characinidae)
Black morpho tetra
Black morpho-tetra or Weizmann’s Pecilocharax, scientific name Poecilocharax weitzmani, belongs to the Crenuchidae family
Black Tetra (Voil)
The long-finned black tetra, scientific name Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, belongs to the family Characidae
Black Neon
Black Neon, scientific name Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi, belongs to the Characidae family
six-eyed tetra
Finacogaster Tegatus or Sheti-eyed tetra, scientific name Phenacogaster tegatus, belongs to the Characins family (Characinaceae)
chocolate tetra
Hifessobrycon Wilma or Chocolate Neon Tetra, scientific name Hyphessobrycon vilmae, belongs to the Characidae family (Characinaceae)
Mimagoniatus Barbera
Mimagoniatus Barbera, scientific name Mimagoniates barberi, belongs to the Characidae family (Characididae)
Three line tetra
The trilinear tetra, scientific name Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus, belongs to the Characidae family
Trinidadian tetra
The Trinidadian tetra, scientific name Hemigrammus unilineatus, belongs to the Characidae family (Characididae)
Moencausia Collet
Moenkhausia Collet, scientific name Moenkhausia collettii, belongs to the Characidae family
dragon tetra
The dragon tetra, scientific name Pseudocorynopoma doriae, belongs to the Characidae family.
green neon
Green neon or Green neon tetra, scientific name Hemigrammus hyanuary, belongs to the Characidae family (Characinidae)
Tetra elahis
Tetra elachys, scientific name Hyphessobrycon elachys, belongs to the family Characidae (Characinidae)