Taigan (Kyrgyz Sighthound/Greyhound)
Taigan (Kyrgyz Sighthound)
Country of origin | Kyrgyzstan |
The size | Average |
Growth | 60–70 cm |
Weight | 25–33 kg |
Age | 11–14 years old |
FCI breed group | Not recognized |
Brief information
- Aboriginal breed;
- Another name for the breed is Taigan;
- Practically unknown outside of Kyrgyzstan.
The Kirghiz greyhound is a very ancient native breed of dog, references to which are found in the Kyrgyz epic. It is known for certain that these animals accompanied nomadic tribes even before our era. As in the distant past, today the Kyrgyz still use greyhounds for hunting, and it takes place in tandem with the bird of prey – the golden eagle. Dogs help drive foxes, badgers, and sometimes rams, goats and even wolves. The very name of the breed – “Taigan” – translated from Kyrgyz means “catch up and kill.”
Taigan is a rare breed, it is considered the national breed of Kyrgyzstan, and little is known about it outside the country. Even in Russia, this dog is rarely seen at exhibitions.
The Kyrgyz greyhound is a pet with a wonderful character. This calm and thoughtful dog will become a favorite of both the whole family and a single person. Taigans are very attentive and obedient. Of course, they need training , but it is a pleasure to train them. They learn new commands with interest and quickly understand what is required of them. Of course, subject to the trust and contact from the owner.
At the same time, the Taigan can be proud and prone to displaying independence. This dog, despite millennia of friendship with humans, is still quite independent. They say that in especially difficult times, the tribes were able to survive only thanks to the Taigans. It is not surprising that sometimes the Kyrgyz greyhound strikes with its equanimity and ability to make decisions on its own.

Despite the closeness inherent in the breed, the Taigan is affectionate and friendly. Yes, he will not follow on the heels of the owner, but will always be close to him.
It is important to say that the Kyrgyz greyhound is distrustful of strangers, while she does not show aggression. It will just stay away from guests and noisy company. By the way, these dogs bark quite rarely and definitely will not do it without a reason.
Taigan (Kyrgyz Sighthound) Care
Taigan is unpretentious in care. Long hair should be combed with a furminator every week. In winter, the dog’s hairline thickens, the coat becomes thicker. In winter and autumn, during the molting period, the pet is combed out daily. Taigan does not require special haircuts.
Pay attention to the health of the eyes, ears and teeth of the pet. They should be inspected weekly and cleaned as needed.
Conditions of detention
Of course, the Taigan is not a city dog, and the restriction in walks can make the pet miserable. The Kyrgyz greyhound feels best in the fresh air, it perfectly adapts to life outside the city. But in no case should you put representatives of this breed on a chain. Like all greyhounds, the Taigan is a freedom-loving and energetic dog, the minimum walks with which should be 2-3 hours a day and include fetching and running exercises, long and exhausting.
The Kyrgyz greyhound is not inclined to be overweight. Suitable for dogs with an active lifestyle.
Taigan (Kyrgyz Sighthound) – Video