Switching to a new diet

Switching to a new diet

You should gradually transition your pet to a new diet, even if you think your pet likes the new diet. This will reduce the chance of indigestion.

Changes in diet can take place in different ways, so the new food must be introduced gradually, paying attention to the state of health.

In general, cats are guided by their habits. Your pet may need help with diet changes, especially if they are used to only one type of food. Another possibility is that your cat is used to a varied diet and the veterinarian has advised switching her to a special food due to a medical condition (such as allergies, kidney disease, or being overweight).

So that changing the diet is not a burden to your pet, you can use the following tips:

• The animal must be introduced to the new food gradually over a period of at least 7 days.

• Every day, increase the proportion of the new food while decreasing the proportion of the old until you have completely transitioned the animal to the new diet.

• If your pet is reluctant to accept these changes, heat canned food to body temperature, but no more. Most cats prefer canned food to be slightly warmed up – then their smell and taste intensifies.

Avoid giving your pet chilled food.

• If necessary, change the texture of the canned food by adding a little warm water – then the food becomes softer and it is easier to mix the new food with the old one.

• Resist the temptation to add table treats to your pet’s new diet. Most cats then get used to eating human food and refuse their food, which can lead to health problems.

• For picky and finicky cats, you can try this method: give them food from your hands as a treat. This will strengthen the positive bond between the cat, its owner and the new food.

• Your pet should have a bowl of fresh, clean water at all times.

 • No cat should be forced to starve when she is introduced to a new diet.

• If you are having serious problems transitioning your pet to a new food, contact your veterinarian for additional advice to help you make it through.

If your cat needs a change in diet due to a medical condition, you should follow all the advice of your veterinarian exactly. Appetite can be impaired with illness, so speak with your veterinarian for specific feeding recommendations for your pet.

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