Staurogyne Bihar
Types of Aquarium Plants

Staurogyne Bihar

Staurogyne Bihar, scientific name Staurogyne sp. Bihar. At the time of preparation of this article, a reliable species affiliation has not been established. According to the established version, this is one of the varieties of Staurogin, collected in the Indian state of Bihar, located in the northeast of the country on the border with Nepal.

Staurogyne Bihar

It was first used as an aquarium plant in the USA, and since 2012 it has appeared in Europe. At first, for the similarity of Hygrophila pinnacifida (Hygrophila pinnatifida), he was called Hygrophila “Bihar”.

The plant is able to grow both in the air, and completely or partially immersed in water. When kept in aquariums, Staurogyne Bihar forms a strong, slightly branched stem with large, slightly carved leaves. The upper side of the leaf plate is brown-green, the lower side is light pink or pale purple.

In the air, the leaves lose their carved shape, and the surface is covered with small hairs.

Maintenance is relatively easy provided the following conditions are met: soft nutrient soil, high to moderate light levels, and slightly acidic water rich in nutrients.

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