Siamese cat health and nutrition: what to look for and what to feed
Weak spots
Fortunately, the list of possible natural flaws and diseases that the Siamese are predisposed to is insignificant. These are amyloidosis of the liver, which can lead to liver failure, a predisposition to malignant tumors of the breast, and occasionally the so-called “Siamese strabismus”. Siamese cats are very sensitive to anesthesia, so procedures that involve anesthesia, such as spaying or dental treatment, can be a little more difficult for them.
Amazing sky-blue eyes, characteristic of Siamese cats, sometimes look in different directions – the convergent strabismus gene is guilty of this. But such a defect is not so common and gives its carriers a silly, but cute look. This funny feature does not affect the quality of life and behavior of the animal, but casts doubt on the career of the champion of breed shows – strabismus can be a reason for disqualification.
tail kink
Another characteristic flaw is a kink or kink in the tail. It can not always be seen, but it is easy to detect by touch. This was the norm for the first representatives of the breed, but then the breeders decided to eliminate this shortcoming, and now the presence of tail breaks is considered a breed defect. Like strabismus, this feature does not pose a threat to the health of the pet and does not cause him any inconvenience, but there is no need to dream of world fame and universal recognition for a Siamese with a tail defect.
Vulnerability of the respiratory system
The upper respiratory tract of Siamese can be prone to infections caused by viruses – calcivirosis and rhinotracheitis. Therefore, in the house where the Siamese cat lives, it should be warm and dry. Minimizing the risk of disease is within the power of every attentive owner who cares about the health of his four-legged friend. All that is required of him is to vaccinate the animal on time and feed it properly.
A healthy diet as the basis of life, or how to feed a Siamese kitten
No matter how trite it may sound, but one of the guarantees of good pet health is a properly composed diet. Siamese cats are conservative in food and prefer not to change the diet once chosen. Sudden changes in diet can cause food rejection.
An adult Siamese cat, with regular feeding, should receive all the necessary substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. To take into account the basic needs of the animal and not worry about whether the pet is getting everything it needs to maintain health, it is worth choosing premium professional food. Your veterinarian will help you choose the right food for your pet based on their age and lifestyle.
An adult Siamese cat should weigh approximately 3,6-5 kg, a cat – 2,7-4 kg. If the weight of the Siamese exceeds the norm, it means that he is obese and should be fed with restrictions, but if it does not reach the norm, you need to give him more food.
Competent and timely care of Siamese cats, the right choice of food and preventive visits to the veterinarian can avoid serious health problems for pets and provide them with a long and active life.