Should you get a dog?
Care and Maintenance

Should you get a dog?

Getting a dog is not like buying another pair of shoes. A dog is a full-fledged member of the family, which requires almost as much attention as a child. You have to teach her the basics of behavior at home and in society, hone the acquired skills, take care of her daily, monitor her health and much more. Our article will help you assess how ready you are for this!

  • Sleep is for dweebs!

Dogs are not just compared to children. Both those and others, for example, give the newly-minted “parents” sleepless nights. When getting a puppy, be prepared for round-the-clock plaintive whining. This is understandable: the puppy has to adapt not only to life without a mother, but also to a new home, and this is not easy. The task of the owner is not to get annoyed, but to help his pet.

Should you get a dog?

  • Puddles and something worse

You will have to clean up after the puppy: a lot and often. He is still physically unable to endure and does not know that “things” need to be done on the street. It will take time for him to grow up and learn everything. Are you ready to help him?

  • Take care of things!

Damage to things is a problem that every dog ​​owner has faced to one degree or another. Special toys and training will help you save furniture and shoes, but incidents happen sometimes and you need to be prepared for them!

  • What about barking?

A trained dog does not bark. It’s just that educating is not so easy, but in a given situation, even with the most educated, something can go wrong. Perhaps your apartment will be resounded with loud barking or howling more than once. Are you willing to work with it? Will your neighbors understand?

  • And now about the disease of the 21st century!

Another point that should be taken into account before acquiring a dog is an allergy, or rather, its absence. Are you sure that you and your family members are not allergic to dogs? In many cases, people are unaware of an allergy until they bring a dog home. Be sure to visit an allergist and eliminate this unpleasant possibility.

  • Different character – different approach

When you get a puppy, you never know what kind of character he will have. Breed characteristics allow you to create an approximate “portrait” of a pet, but no one is immune from surprises. Are you ready to accept and love a dog with all its pros and cons? Are you ready to work on its shortcomings, if necessary? Ready to find a way?

Should you get a dog?

  • “No” danger!

The dog has many chances to get into a dangerous situation, and sometimes he himself becomes a danger to others. Even a tiny pocket dog remains a predator and can bite if necessary. Now imagine a huge mastiff!

The dog is a responsibility. Responsibility of the owner to her, to herself and others. The owner must pay enough attention to the upbringing and socialization of the dog in order to exclude unpleasant surprises. Have you heard the phrase: “There are no bad dogs, there are bad owners!”? Now, this is true.

  • The subtle science of training

Owners of medium and large dogs, as well as all beginners, are advised to attend special training and socialization courses with their pet. What are they needed for? Why can’t you train your own dog?

It’s simple: because there are too many nuances and they all differ depending on the particular dog. It is important not only to know the command scheme, but also to work with intonation and gestures. Also, what works with one dog may not work with another. A professional cynologist will help you figure it all out.

  • In any condition, in any weather…

You will have to take the dog for a walk at least 2 times a day, regardless of your mood, well-being and the weather outside. A walk for a dog is not only an opportunity to go to the toilet, but also a physical warm-up, a surge of energy, stimulation of intelligence, teamwork with the owner, and much more, without which proper development is unthinkable.

Should you get a dog?

  • From point A to point B

A dog complicates any long absences from home. You can ask a neighbor to take care of a cat, but only truly enthusiastic people will agree to walk with someone else’s dog. There is an option with hotels for dogs, but it is not suitable for everyone. And you can always take your dog with you on a trip!

All of these options need to be considered before a four-legged family member appears in the house.

  • Time and material costs

The dog requires not only time, but also material costs. The minimum set for a pet consists of two bowls, a bed, toys, a collar and a leash, a combing tool, a nail clipper, grooming tools, a first aid kit – and this is not the whole list!

Every day the dog will need a high-quality balanced food, and from time to time it will need to be treated for parasites, taken for vaccinations and preventive examinations to a veterinarian, and so on. And the dog, like any of us, can get sick, and treatment can be expensive.

All these points must be kept in mind. Answer yourself honestly: will you pull it?

Should you get a dog?

  • science granite

Do you have a desire for new knowledge? If you get a dog, you will have to constantly improve and learn something new about your pet: study specialized sources, communicate with professionals, if you wish, visit thematic exhibitions – in a word, do everything to be “on the wave” and not miss something important. You are ready?

  • What’s next?

If you have read all these points and have not discovered anything new (and frightening), if you have already heard about these difficulties and you still cannot wait to start them, we can only rejoice for you!

Very soon you will find the best friend you can think of. It’s definitely worth it!

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