Should a dog’s teeth be brushed?
Care and Maintenance

Should a dog’s teeth be brushed?

We brush our teeth twice a day, but what about our dogs? Do their teeth need special care?

A good brush and toothpaste help us get rid of plaque. If you do not brush your teeth every day, they will lose their whiteness. Soon, tartar will appear on them, followed by gum problems. Not to mention bad breath!

The same thing happens with dogs. The only exception is in the diet. If you feed your dog a high-quality dry food according to the norm, the granules will clean off plaque. But not 100%. Therefore, even with an ideal diet, veterinarians recommend giving your pet dental toys and treats. Dentistry is a very expensive field, and diseases are easier to prevent than to cure.

Oral diseases can be genetic in nature. But these are isolated cases. The most common problems – plaque, tartar and gingivitis – occur precisely against the background of improper feeding and insufficient hygiene. Often these problems are linked: plaque leads to calculus, and tartar leads to gingivitis (inflammation and bleeding of the gums).

If plaque is easily removed at the first stages, then tartar completely destroys the tooth if left untreated. How to avoid it?

Should a dogs teeth be brushed?

The right diet, dental toys and brushing your teeth will help protect your dog’s oral health!

  • The right diet is high-quality suitable food, a strict balance of components and compliance with the feeding norm. Any food that is inappropriate for the dog (for example, human delicacies from the table) will lead to health problems. Of these, tartar and gingivitis are not the worst!

As a prevention of oral diseases, it is useful to introduce dental treats into the diet (for example, meat spirals, eucalyptus sticks and Mnyams toothbrushes).

  • To brush your teeth, use a special toothbrush and toothpaste made for pets. They are easy to find at the pet store. Some dogs tolerate this procedure calmly, especially if they have known it since childhood. Others arrange a life-and-death battle for their owners. Especially for them (as well as for owners who are not ready to brush their dog’s teeth every day) they came up with an alternative: toys – analogues of toothbrushes or other dental toys. 

Should a dogs teeth be brushed?

Dental toys kill several birds with one stone: they remove plaque, massage the gums, eliminate unpleasant odors, keep the dog occupied and satisfy its natural chewing instinct (boots will be healthier!).

Before buying, carefully read the description of the toy. Some of them can even be used with toothpaste (eg Petstages Finity Chew). It is enough to apply the paste on a special area of ​​​​the toy and give it to the dog. The result – the teeth are clean and healthy, and you do not have to fix the pet and carefully treat each tooth.

Maintaining health through an exciting game is much more pleasant. Do you agree? 

Combine proper diet, dental treats, toys, and brushing and toothpaste. This is the maximum level of prevention of diseases of the oral cavity. However, even if your dog has the whitest teeth, remember to visit the veterinarian as a preventive measure. 

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