Horse Breeds


Shires, or English heavy trucks, are the giants of the horse world, the largest of the horses. ShayrShire horse and donkey

History of the Shire breed

There is a version that the name of the Shire breed comes from the English shire (“county“). It is believed that these giants are descendants of medieval knight horses, which were called Great Horse (“huge horses”), and then renamed English Black (“English blacks”). A number of historians agree that the second name of the horse is due to Oliver Cromwell himself, and initially they were called that, which, as you know, are only black. Another breed name that has survived to this day is the Lincolnshire Giant. Shires were bred in the 18th century in Great Britain by crossing Flandish horses imported to England with Friesians and local mares. Shires were bred as military horses, but after some time they were retrained as heavy draft horses. The first shire entered in the stud book is a stallion named Packington Blind Horse (1755 – 1770). Shires were bred throughout the UK, in particular, in Cambridge, Nottingham, Derby, Lincoln, Norfolk, etc.ShayrShire horses in harnessIn the 19th century, horses were indispensable. They worked not only in agriculture, but also in industry, especially in the docks and on the railways. And not just strong horses were needed, but incredibly strong ones. It is difficult to manage a strong horse, therefore, when breeding, they also paid attention to the character of the Shires – they had to unquestioningly obey a person. Shires of that time had a muscular long neck, a rough head, a wide forehead, a barrel-shaped body, low withers and powerful legs with huge hooves. In 1887, the Shire Horse Society was created. In the 30s of the 20th century, tractors entered the scene with a technical revolution and other machines that have practically ousted horses from the labor market. The number of shires began to decline rapidly, they were even endangered. The breed was saved thanks to the efforts of several enthusiasts. In the 50s of the 20th century, shires were crossed with kleysedals, thanks to which the shires acquired thick silky friezes on their legs. This was supposed to help solve the problem of biting midges in old-type Shires. Now the British cross Shires with Thoroughbred mares to get good draft horses. Nowadays, interest in Shire horses is again growing all over the world.ShayrShire horse in pasture 

Description of Shire horses

Shire is the largest horse breed. They are not only tall (up to 219 cm at the withers), but also heavy (weight: 1000 – 1500 kg). Despite the fact that the Shire breed is quite ancient, these horses are heterogeneous. There are huge, massive horses that can only walk, and there are quite large, but at the same time fine, which can move quite quickly. The color can be any solid, the most common are black and bay. Stockings on the legs and a blaze on the muzzle are welcome. ShayrShair gnedoi mastiIt is important that all parts of the body be proportionally developed, while the back, chest and sacrum should be wide. This is the key to the remarkable strength of the Shires. Dampness, insufficient squatness and too strong frisism (overgrown legs) are considered to be disadvantages, but selection is being made towards the elimination of these shortcomings. Shires have excellent appetite and hold their body well. The character of Shire horses is simply magnificent: they are calm, balanced and easy to manage. Due to these qualities, Shires are often used for crossing with horses of other breeds in order to get good-natured foals.ShayrShire and newborn donkey 

The use of Shire horses

Shires are actively used by beer producers today. Stylized sleds drive along the streets of English cities, delivering barrels of this drink. The appearance of Shire horses is quite spectacular, so they are often harnessed to carts and vans at various holidays and shows.ShayrShire in harness Shires are also constant participants in draft strength and plowing competitions.ShayrShire in competition 

Famous Shire horses

Due to their strength, Shires became record holders. At the Wembley exhibition in the spring of 1924, a pair of Shires harnessed to a dynamometer exerted a force of about 50 tons. The same horses managed to move a load that weighed 18,5 tons. named Vulcan jerked off a load weighing 29,47 tons. The highest horse in the world is the Shire. This horse was called Samson, and when he reached a height of 2,19 m at the withers, he was renamed Mammoth.ShayrShire Samson (Mammoth) – the tallest horse in the world

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