Satin pig standard
Single color satin gilts standard
Satin effect Due to the hollow structure of the hair and its ability to reflect light, satin pigs have a pronounced sheen of wool. In order to judge the degree and intensity of the sheen, the judges must hold the gilt in such a way that the light falls on her body as well as possible. The satin finish is the most important factor in the evaluation of gilts. Points: 30
Wool quality The coat should be soft, pleasant to the touch, with good grooming. It can be any solid color, but the color must be very intense, as the satin effect enhances the color. Points: 25
Breed type and size The pig must be a good size. The body should be strongly built with deep broad shoulders. The muzzle should be wide, the eyes set wide enough. Points: 25
Ears Similar to a rose petal, lowered down. Points: 5
Eyes Large and round. Points: 5
Condition and display They must be in good shape, clean and healthy, calmly treat their hands. Points: 10
Total: 100 points
Disadvantages: very thick or very sparse coat, lack of sheen and coarse hair texture.
Disqualification: damage to the coat, watery eyes, withers.
Single color satin gilts standard
Satin effect Due to the hollow structure of the hair and its ability to reflect light, satin pigs have a pronounced sheen of wool. In order to judge the degree and intensity of the sheen, the judges must hold the gilt in such a way that the light falls on her body as well as possible. The satin finish is the most important factor in the evaluation of gilts. Points: 30
Wool quality The coat should be soft, pleasant to the touch, with good grooming. It can be any solid color, but the color must be very intense, as the satin effect enhances the color. Points: 25
Breed type and size The pig must be a good size. The body should be strongly built with deep broad shoulders. The muzzle should be wide, the eyes set wide enough. Points: 25
Ears Similar to a rose petal, lowered down. Points: 5
Eyes Large and round. Points: 5
Condition and display They must be in good shape, clean and healthy, calmly treat their hands. Points: 10
Total: 100 points
Disadvantages: very thick or very sparse coat, lack of sheen and coarse hair texture.
Disqualification: damage to the coat, watery eyes, withers.